Show Close Matches Feature Pla Play in Y W W. 0 C. C A A. Meet Some exceptionally close matches featured d the second round of play in the T. T W W. C. C A. A tennis tourney Sunday afternoon Margaret I Lee ee took a 13 11 12 10 victory from Hannah in the feature tilt of of the days day's pia play The Tile third round will begin this afternoon while willie the tile doubles tourney will Ill open Wednesday Wednes Wednes- da day 4 SUNDAYS SUNDAY'S SUNDAYS SUNDAY'S RESULTS Sara Guss Gus defeated Evangeline Cunningham 6 4 6 J Kate Keeley defeated Bernice Thomas 6 0 8 il i Arvilla King and Esther Ekberg defaulted to Kate Keeley Verl VerI Feree defaulted Katherine Beatie Beatle Frances L. L Collier defeated Frances Frances Frances Fran Fran- ces Van Winkle le 6 2 6 0 Margaret Lee defeated Hannah 13 11 12 Mary Marshall defeated te 1 Mary Frances Plumb 6 2 6 2 Ruth Crow defeated d lone Duncan C l 6 r f MONDAYS MONDAY'S SCHEDULE SCHEDULE V VEllen Ellen Jackson vs Jessie Jessi Hale 4 P P. P m. m Louise Giberson S. A-S. Vivian Pierce 5 S p. p m. m Jean KIrtley vs Ars Maurine Wil- Wil 5 S p. p m. m V Frances rances L L. L Collier vs vs Edith Hyde 5 15 p. p m. m V V Marlon Marion St Styles Styles' les lesS S 'S vs Sara Guss 6 p. p m. m Berdie Berdle Ta- Ta Margaret Waters Vaters vs san 5 p. p m. m |