Show I Women omen Succeed In Public Office Club Meet Hears SAN ANTONIO A Texas June 4 AP AP- AP Women AP Women are making a a. success success success suc suc- cess n not t ot of their use of ot suffrage but as as office holders Mrs WIlU William m R. R Alvord Alvord of Detroit of-Detroit D Detroit chairman of the d department nt of American citi citizenship of th the General Generl Federation of ot Women Women's s Clubs told the nineteenth nineteenth nineteenth nine nine- biennial convention of ot that organization Uon toda today Reporting on on the results of ot a aque que questionnaire designed to survey the p participation of women In government government government gov gov- and citizenship Mrs Al Alvord Alvord Alvord Al- Al vord said said that despite discouraging ing notes 11 here re and there the returns show showed ed that that- women were responsible ble for n new w schools hospitals and d dot ot other er needed public Improvements as well well as as for a new tone at the polls simply y because they they are working hard for the things the they want In regard to the efficiency of women Q office fice holders the replies replies' replies replies-on on the the questionnaires were alm almost st unanimous in agreeing the feminine efficient office holder holde are very This part of of- the questionnaire also reveals the fact that women are be becoming becoming becoming be- be coming candidates for all offices It is Int interesting to note Mrs Alvord s said ld that women seem to begin their public service by servIng serving serving ing on election boards Then they are elected to county offices and offices dealing with money In the middle west a surprising number of women hold county offices Connecticut Connecticut Con Con- boasts sixteen feminine state legislators tors There l Is an oc occasional occasional oc- oc wom woman n mayor now and then a justl justice e pf of the peace and one county reported eda a woman sheriff to tobe tobe tobe be the best in years The questionnaire showed that most women's clubs were studying citizenship that club women almost all vote vOt that clubs are doing considerable considerable considerable con con- work among foreign born citizens and that they are almost all pushing law enforcement ac ac- ac Mrs Kate Trenholm Abrams vice chairman of the division of Indian affairs affairs- reported that the federation federation federation federa federa- tion had made great progress In Its efforts t to obtain justice for the American Indian I |