Show t r L. L L D. D D S. S S Business B 91 Student g College f i v Wins Vins Typewriter iter f The The Th following letter was received from the Remington Rand lanti Business c Service Inc of or New York t L I D. D S. S Business College i. i Salt lake City Utah r I TJ letter confirms confirms- my telegram of 3 day advising ad j you rou ou that Mr Lynne hl tUt has qualified for the Portable 1 t typewriter and that we have instruct instruct- 1 it Salt Lake City office to dellver de- de I this machine to Mr air Pettit with our compliments nth Mr Ui r Pettits Pettit's paper is a beautiful one both from the standpoint of to touch ch and t. t general gereal appearance and a d reflects credit not Et only on- nJ- nJ upon the oung young man and the machine but upon the tue principal of the hooL e h the typewriting teacher and andaU andall all aU allot of those In any anyay an way ay connected with the L D. D S. S BUSINESS C COLLEGE Yoa lou Will share the tho sentiments of this l letter Jetter with the young man and with All aU the teachers of your institution Who rho had bad an anything thing to do v. v with ith inspiring and directing dirtIng the young man in his work Very truly yours your Remington T Division ti H. H 4 C C. SPILL SPILLMAN Education Director |