Show PASTOR HOLDS CHRIST FAITH DANGEROUS MADISON Wis NEA Jesus NEA-Jesus Jesus Christ the man god who lived his three thirty-three years in poverty humility humility hu hu- hu- hu and persecution was dangerous dangerous dangerous dan This strange sti statement comes from a minister of the gospel gospel gospel gos gos- pel Rev R. R W. W Barstow of the th First Congregational church o of f Madison The Scabbard and Blade fraternity fraiter frater- organization of the the- R. R O. O T. T C C. published a list of dang dangerous rous per per- sons One name name has been omitted from the list said Rev Barstow that tha of Jesus Christ Dangerous Of course business of being a a. real Christian Is dangerous It is dangerous to excess profits to introduce into Industry in industry industry in- in mining or or manufacturing Christs Christ's principles of service am and stewardship It is dangerous to Nordic Nordi pride and exclusiveness to Introduce Into racial relations Christ's Christs principles of brotherhood It is dangerous to a adopt opt national policies of frankness and friendliness friendliness friendliness ness and mean what you say when you talk about peace and disarmament disarmament disarmament ment and the comin coming of good wil wilBut will But it is about time for tor American American Ameri Amen can Christians to decide whether they plan to follow these dangerous teachings of Christ in all departments departments departments depart depart- ments of life or blindly follow th the leadership of those organizations organization and individuals who claim to point poin out safe a palm |