Show 9 I GIRL STUDENTS DIFFER j I WITH BOYS IN HEALTH I TH I y By DR MORRIS FISHBEIN Editor Journal of the American Medical Association and of Hygeia Hy Hy- geia gels the Health Magazine Recently an Investigator surveyed sur- sur eyed the health habits ot oL girls in ina ina a womans woman's college in the eastern portion of the United States The persons Involved in the sunvey surcy survey sur- sur vey cy were asked as to what habits they hey had that were Injurious to health they were questioned about their likes and dislikes about the time ime of going to sleep and getting uP p about the amount of rest taken about bout their food and vacations whether they overeat or eat at too fast or wash the food down with too much water was also made as as to to- the amount mount of exercise and outdoor sunlight as well as asto to the use of tea ea coffee coHee and tobacco These may y maye be e taken as some some- o of the most Important important im- im factors involved in a healthful life Ufe FRESHMEN WIN According to the common sense seme of f the habits of living of the students stu stu- dents the Investigator rated their health intelligence As might hav have been cen expected the freshmen showed a higher degree of health intelligence than the sophomores I the he latter latter- lattermore more than the juniors and the he seniors least of all Indeed it has been the general gener experience that the health habits which the children learn today hIthe in hI inthe the he grade school tend to lessen inthe in inthe the he high school and apparently the decline becomes becom s even greater when the girls reach college age Whereas college life Ufe should be a a. positive factor for inducing outdoor outdoorS T living ving- and suitable exercise seniors spend pend much less time outdoors than thano do o lower class classmen men Moreover the requirements of the last year of college seem to induce hasty cating cat- cat ing ng irregular meal times inadequate made made- quate vacations and increased indulgence indulgence In- In in the candy and coffee habits MEN DIFFERENT Dr R. R P P. Emerson found In n a similar study of 2000 students in n a a college for men that there was wasa a steady improvement from the freshman to the senior class Dr Emerson feels that the more theoretical knowledge the the- students seemed to have on health subjects the he less likely they were to practice health habits This he explained on the ground that hat health teaching did not Involve involve in- in volve olve practice Thus he recommends recommends recommends mends weighing and measuring atal of at al alJ 1 students at regular Intervals and nd at the same time giving personal personal per- per onal instruction in proper health habits It is of course generally recognized recognized that personal Instruction Is Isar far ar more successful in securing results re- re suits in the health field than any form orm of ot mass Instruction |