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Show B. F. AVERY BEET DIGGER and Sub-Soil Plow flCflHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHsr SbwbwmbSbbbbSbWbwbb?!!) bV H BBBBTM'nnm''''S'MSrflB m BBfl BBBT lu v BBb v -.flBflflBBBsssv'v3t . Tilted with rolling coulter trims the tops and prevents clogging. LIGHT DRAFT. EASY TO HANDLE. Lifts the beets to proper height to be easily removed from the ground. Recom mended and used by all the leading beet growers. Sidney Stevens Implement Co. j Notice of Assessment. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of tho Providence-Blacksmith Fork Irrigation Irri-gation Co., held September 7, 1007, an assessment at CO cents per share was Jovlcd oti'the capital stock of said Irrl-atlou Irrl-atlou Company, payable to A, M. Hammond, secretary, on or beforo October 7, 1007. Any stock upon which this assessment remains unpaid on October 15th will be delinquent and advertised for sale and unless piy-ment piy-ment Is made will be sold November 15, 1007, to pay assessment and cost. A. M. Hammonu, Secretary. Cache Valley Veterans i ' I Quite recently a number of the CncheValley handcart veterans veter-ans held n meeting in this city nnd reorganized by electing James ; Meikle, of Smithfield, President; John P. Cardon, of Logan,Secre-tnry; Logan,Secre-tnry; R. D. Roberts of Logan,vice president; Aids, Richard Brad-sbaw Brad-sbaw of Paradise, nnd Alma Mathews of Providence. Since the reorganization a determined effort to secure the names of all Cache valley handcart veterans has been made, and todny President Mei-kle Mei-kle will present the following-list to the State' Organization, nt Salt Lake City. Smithfield. Names Company Year .Jnmes Skeen .'Ellsworth ' If ,( John McDonald .. '. McArthur lf( Jnmes Meikle .". McArthur . .N . . ....,.... I1 ; Elizabeth Reid Smith McArthur .. .. A..". .. T.Si Euphemin Mitchell Bain Bunker ..' .. 18"; B) Ellen Parkinson Covil Martin & Tyler . . .'.!.. .. lSifT Annie Brighton Thornley Evans 187 Providence John Thenrer '. Evans ? 1837 Elizabeth Mathews Campbell ...Buuker . ., . . ..!? .. .?;1856 Mnry Mathews Mnrler Bunker 1836 Margaret Miathews Rice Bunker ., . ..185G Junn Mathews Johnson Bunker (Idaho Palls Ida.) .'1836 Almn Morris Mathews Bunker T. .'.v ..',.. "V.,k. . 1856 Jane Ellen Griffiths Fuller .. . .Martin & Tyler . 1836 Logan. -t Robert D. Roberts Bunker '. .. 1836 Thomas D. Rbcrts Bunker 1836 Daniel Roberts Bunker (Ogdcn) 1836 Ann Roberts Hopkins Bunker .. .... .' 1856 fJnnc Roberts Hughes Bunker .. .. .'. .... .. 1836 El'iznbethv Andrew Martin & Tyler 1836 Susannah fJmulinCardon Ellsworth Benson 1836 Mngdnlenn Bens Cordon Ellis'wortJi Benson 1836 Robert Kewley Bunker Benson V?-. . '. ..' 1856 James C. Peterson . linns Peterson , " v , '"Jf''f t David Bowen . . . . EUKworth 1836 HYDE PARK -6-' ? ' James llurren ,.... . . Willis Co 1836 Eliu Reeder llurren , . . Willis Co -. . . . ' 1836 Mnry llurren Weight Willis Co 1836 Emma llurren Woolf Willis Co . 1830 Sarah llurren Senmons Willis Co. . : K, "4 1856 Robert Reeder Willis Co. . 1836 PARADISE. . N Richnrd P. Brndshnw Martin & Tyler. V.' .. .'. ' 1836 William James . , Bunker .. .... . . '. . .. 185G Snrah Jenkins James Bunker .. ....'..'.. .. 1836 David Jenkins Jnmes Bunker 1836 Eninin Jenkins Roberts Bunker 1836 Snrah Wnlters Robbins . . . ..Bunker . .. ..... .. .. 1856 HYRUM. .; , Gustavo Anderson ' i Wifo Anderson ' , Georgo Ilousely w . Alice Brooks Anderson Martin & Tyler .'.' , 1836 Mary Cocksbot Hansen Evans... .'.'. .. .'. 1S57 Sarah Ann Egg Miller Martin & Tyler.'.. .. .. 1856 MENDON. Mary Ann Findley Westovcr . -J-tj' OLARKSTON. - ' ; , , . Andrew Iliggio Wtillls f '. .'"''!. ,v. '. . 1856 Richnrd Godfrey Willis .'.. 1856 There are probably others nnd these nrq niged to writo or speak to .Secretary John P. Card on r.l the earliest date pos'siblo. ' k It Pays to Advertise |