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Show INQINO A8 A FINE ART. wm( Braining t tho Bottom o All Occctj, Snys Malta 1 cannot too forcibly Insist that tho mere noclcn sf a looly voire l only the basin of vocal art, writes Mme. Molba In the Century Magazine. Natur?ccalonallv stnrtle3 one by the prodigality cf her gifts, but no student haa any right to expect to sing by Inspiration In-spiration any moro than an athteto may expect to win a raco because he Is naturally fleet of foot. Mothods of breathing, "attack." and the use of the registers must all ba perfectly understood by the successful singer, who should likewise be complete com-plete master of alt details relating to, the structure and use of those part above tho voice box and be convinced of the necessity of a perfectly coa-troHed coa-troHed chest expansion In the production produc-tion of tone. For perfect singing correct breathing, breath-ing, strange as It may sound, Is even moro essential than a beautiful voice. No matter how exquisite the vocal organ or-gan may be, its beauty cannot be adequately ade-quately demonstrated without proper breath control. Here Is one of the old Italian secrets which many singers of to-day wholly lack because they are unwilling to give the necessary time for the full development of breathing power and control. Phrasing, tone, resonance, expression, all depend upon respiration, and In my opinion musical musi-cal studonts, oven when too young to be allowed the free use of the voice, should be thoroughly taught the principles prin-ciples of breathing. |