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Show Mendon. MKNDON, Oct. 1. The Woodmen Wood-men of the World, abtiut thirty in number? camo over on tho three o'clock train Sunday and unveiled unveil-ed tho monument over tho grave of John Lamont.'' The glee club composed of Frank Baugh, "Will-ard "Will-ard Selwinchey, Ileliner Peterson and John Petersen sang three beautiful selections. J. A. Sneddon Sned-don was orator of tho day. A great many people, both old and young, went to tho cemetery to witness the ceremony, which was very inspiring. Mrs. Jarvis Baker received a telephono message from SaltLako City stating that her Sou Jarvis had been seriously burned in n collision, while ho was firing.Mrs. Baker and two daughters, Emma and Lydia, took tho train at once for:Snlt.Lake. jOtliprsjiro, going down in tho morning (Monday) No definite particulars were given . Mrs. Agnes Buist and Mrs. Hamilton Baker, have gone to Salt Lake again to visit their son and brother, James, who is still very low at the L. D. S. Hospital. Hospi-tal. Mr. Bassett and family, of Logan, Lo-gan, have moved to Mendon, Mr. Bassett is the 0. S. L. agent at the depot. The beet raisers are erecting a platform for unloading beets at thir own expense. II. H. Thompson, principal of the Mendon Schools, spent Sunday Sun-day at Clarkston with his parents Annie Baker has gone to Hyrum Hy-rum for few days. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buist, of Preston, spent a week in town visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hardman and Mike Dillon, section foremen at Garland, gave Mendon a flying visit Sunday. Mrs. AlexBuist has returned to her home at Garner after spending spend-ing several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Isaac Sorensen. |