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Show H jj HAS DEMOCRACY QUIT? E ' It Is Intensely Interesting to hear H H the Dems talking about not desiring f m ! to gain control of the city at the com. H ' 1 1 lng election. They say city affairs are H jll In such a shape that they don't care B -5 to take hold. That's not very In- Q 'r , genuous, after all, for the unterrified H have ever held forth the Idea that 1 they never liked to tackle anything 1' easy. Democracy Is supposed to have BBH the only good remedy for every III, and BBS'S i even the lowliest of tho the low among B' Democracy's hosts Is credited (by H, Democracy) with having sufllclent Bflj gray matter to administer the proper BB medicine at the proper time. To hear BBj ' them tell it (when tho emergency Bj ,' doesn't exist), they prefer the extreme BBv M cases, as they have a specific. Why B jj then will they now hold aloof and re- BB i) fuse to succor this city in its purport- B a , ed civic agony? Have they lost their BB y, , nerve or are they at last cognizant of BB1 ' the fact apparent in tho nation's his. BB I tory, that Democracy's sped tics have BBB invariably turned out to be little more BBfl i '; than irritants? We venture tho asser- BB j tlon that it Is neitrfer, and that the B I e;? Logan disciples of that familiar old BBv y jass-ack are Just a foolln', as they al BBa ' I ways are when they say they have lost BBv desire for ofllce. BBJ The G. O. P. of Logan can not well BB ( afford to lay down in this cam- BBJ' palgn simply because Democracy says BBa it is out of the game. They may put BB, out only a skirmish line In front but BB . you can't tell how much dirt a ground- B ' hog can dig while hidden by a bunch B. of cockle-burs. The Republicans, If B M they continue to administer this city's B1 & , affairs, can well afford to be up and BBh doing at the proper time. |