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Show HJ'. A Brave Pony. Hk One small pony named Nell routed Hi. four young highwaymen in the Bronx. HJt "Mandy" Begg, 13 years old, Is the HB, ' son of Ernest Begg, proprietor of the HJ Begg Iron 'works. The other night HJ "Mandy" saddled Nell and rode down HJ the boulevard. HJ, At One Hundred and Fortieth street HJ four young men Jumped from a lot. HJ Two seized Nell's bridle, young Begg HJ " says, and tho others struck him, HJ kndcklng him from tho pony. Then HJ ' one Incautiously got too close to Noll's HJ hind legs and sho "hoisted him," as HJ ' young Begg said exultlngly aftorward. HJ I Another got In the saddle, and Nell, HJ a modest colt, promptly stood on her HJ I forelegB, unseated her new rider and HJ backed, kicking in every quarter of HJ the atmosphere. The two footpads who 8' remained on their feet ran. Young HJ Begg jumped astride the pony, and Ht''' away they went. He had a bruise on HBrt ( his forehead and a bruise on his arm. HRjl "Nell was all right, but rather restive - HJ; , N ,Y. World. HBi |