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Show B' i BSb J ' H .v ' B tr 7 Hi '' WIT OF WILLIAM M. EVART8. ir H ! Few Men More Ready Than Was the B ; ' Qreat New York Lawyer. H J William Evarts graced the headship B f4 of the bar before lawyering was bo Hi! h i much of a trade as it Is, and when Hi v ' i lawyers had time for accomplishments, HI 4 " says Harper's Weekly. Ho was a HK j ' scholar, but no more of a Orcclan than HjJ i , he should have beep. Yale men used HI ', to think that Theodore Woolsey knew Hw more Orcek tbaa anybody else, and Hi I ' '' Mr. Eve.: s himself was so well per- HV i euaded of this that be once said at HJ . , dinner that was given to Woolsey, Hi that ho and Woolsey knew ''more B Oreek than any other two men In the HJ J country." H , ' "I saw a flno photograph of you, H, i' Mr. Evarts, on my way down town Hf ! this morning. You've a beautiful head, H: y Mr. Evarts." H,; V "Vm B'ad you think so well of It," Hi .) - said Evarts, "you know I stand on my H ; head." HI .) ' Hero Is ono for tho Liberal Arts H'j .1 club. Ono day n man enmo out of HJ f? the "Players," next door to the Tllden Hj J'1 Iioubu, now occupied by tho Art club, li J' v and met Mr. Evarts, Thcro was prob- Hi', ably never a houso constructed that Hi , was, and Is, so mortally tiply as that jj V ' which Samuel J. Tllden built lu HJ ,j ) Qramercy park. In order that Ingoers Hf! ft ' might escape quickly from the sight Hfi if ( of tho front of It there were two front H2M , ' doorways. "Of what school of arch!- j ' tecturo Is tho Tllden house, Mr. Ev HI I ; arts?" said tho "Player." BU , "Tudor," said Mr. Evarts. I . I I "Flat Justltla, ruat, prandlum." he I i once prescribed as a floral motto for ' a dinner of tho Bar association. 1 1 There have been other lawyers, oth- H er secretaries of state and other I f punsters, but as he himself might say, I "non licet omnibus adlre Corlnthum." I i . |