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Show Proclamation to the Public. 1 do hereby is;uo this, my Proclamation, to tho travelling puliie: j Parties vh-i'.ing isfilt Lr.Uo City and: going east on the U.P.K.K., will lind it to ttieir' advantage to leave Salt Lake City on tho oveiiing train ar.d remain over at Ogden that iiigUt, thereby having hav-ing a food night's rest, and 80 bo fresh for truvel at b o'clock ft. in., whon the daily oxprosa train leaves this depot. At 1 the Ogduu House wo oiler as good accommodations ac-commodations as iry houso wost 01 Omaha. Preo busses al every train to and from tho doput. adv Jouu Mauo.v, Proprietor. |