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Show Br Deieret Teleeraih Line.l 1 KUtE I N WEBER COUNTY. s.-f. to thk h.!uld.' ( cde:j. Ausu.-t Jl. At nnori to-i.y. '-. at W(M Weber, a a ni-.Ti w- cni.:'- the hind.- to dm - r cm pie;, id iti thresbins? train on his premises, a tiivi broke out which totally de-trued the' Kep;mtiir ot' the tlire.-hun: mueliiue i , owned by the Co-operative Company! of that place, consuming six hundred ' bushels of grain, a good stack of hay. sheds, etc, and the school house of West Weber settlement. The horse . power of the machine was saved. The grain and premises, stable, etc., belonged be-longed to Jaiues Ririe. The cause of, the lire is as yet unkowu. The lu.vs i,-about i,-about fifteen hundred dollars. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THEATRE. Grand Special Performance! IMM i: ! S 10 ft I Lh! SATURDAY EVENING, September i, 171, For llio fir-t time in thi.i city, ilia brilliant ouinoiiy. in 3 nets, entitled MARRIED LIFEj tor tlio first tiiHu, I Harris' Liililuiii Clraip! A l.A KM.MET AXD MUHl'HV. ; IYIASTERLwT E. WEIHE, Tho Great Musioal Proilisy, (thirteen year of uire.) fttvoritf pupil of tho celebrated celebra-ted OLE HULL, will perform . 7IOLIN SOT.O entitled "ha Mclnnoollfi." I Performance to conclude with tho laiiKUa-j laiiKUa-j bio farce, enttlod j Boots at tlie Swan! l 11. SIMMONS, iil.D., I Ftisicittii, SnrgeiDi and Airoitchfiir, ! OQiee Maiu Street. ! sl Throa doors north uf Walker Uro's. ;0RGANS!J3HGANS! DAYNES & CO., ; For 1'Uh Territory, for ilio ful oT iho CELEllllATKD I c rwa in na a a. - m AMKH1CAN CABINET ORGANS! Resncctfully invite the uiembera of the Musical Profession and the Public oaeritlly tu call al their Music Rooms, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Two doom wist of Post Office. Salt Lako City, and oxatuino their splendid stock of Ornans. and loarn tho unprecedented ly LOW PKICfcS at which thoy otl'er ihem for p:iIo, tho prices beinif from twenty to tUirly per tent, lower than thoy can bo bouuhl I in any otlior houao in I'tah. Duvnes ,t Co. J do not olt'er tho SMITH ORUAX at these i low Ccuros Lccauso thiy are. a- some would ! have it believed, a poorly nin.iiu:,.n!:uren nd j conseiuoitily eheap instruui'cni; lor. Jor excel ex-cel lonco of workmanship, thoy liavo m ji'jpe-rior3, ji'jpe-rior3, whilo in strength, purity und swoot-' swoot-' nc?a of lone, thoy clinllene tin- iuo-ft-ss Ion to produce any instrument eiiual j f.o Ih qui. The causo of thoic LOW RATES Is c:i3ily explained: They have no local agents whom they PAY TO PUFF their to place those beautiful instruments within the roach of all. and will do fo by doing what no other hoine in Utah pretends to do, namely, enuring with thoir patrons tho commission com-mission allowed by tho manufacturers. Act-inn Act-inn on this principle they ofl'or their instruments instru-ments at twenty por cent. los3 than custom retail lifuros, beaido paying the frcitfht to tho railway terminus in this city, sunrantoo-iag sunrantoo-iag every instruuiont sold eound and 1'rco of damago. Thoy will sell a Parlor Organ, with elegant I31ack Walnut Caio, Fivia Stops, Trcuiulo and Kneo swell, for 8110, the eastern east-ern retail price beinf 6175. An instrument for a school or meeting house, with power sufficient for Fifty Singers, with seven Stops. 1 Sub-Bass, Octavo Coupler, Tremulo and , Knee-swell, Ibr S1S0, the eastern price lor tho aiiiue instrument being i In proof that tho American Orfnn is all they represent, thoy ral'oi purchasers to tho j foUowing well-known (tent torn en C, Siui-1 Siui-1 some, D. L, Davia, A. Aiinor, John Sharp, S. , W. Sears and W. S. Godbe, also Mrs. S. , Kimball, nil of this oity; G. Howard, of Salt i Creek, Juab county; T. Staynor, Ogdon; the Fisuburn Choir, lingbnm City. h Daync-s .t Co. will also sell every other " i description of lirst-clnss Musical Merehan-1 Merehan-1 disc, from u Piauoi'orto to a Violin String, at tho ;ame ratio; and to prove that the preceding pre-ceding statements contain not a particle ot exogseration, thoy invite all Musicians and I tho public to call and prove their truth by personal examiuaiiou and investigation. Roiuembtr J. DAYNES & CO., ! Dealer- in Musical Iuslrumont,", I Th o Dooih liat of Post Ofltca, : salt i aki: Cj'JT. Agent for the CeltbratoJ j &iover & Baker Sewiua; Macliiiie. EMMA HILL TUNNEL AND IMG COMPANY, : Tflli: SK'Ci; BOuKS of the iiiuuia 1J ill : J. Tunnel aud Mining Company aro now I open iu Kcid'4 Building, and a limited nuui- her of unassessable shares ;or ;jle. ' The Uinma Ji ill Tunnel and Mining Com-i Com-i pauy W:J located April IS70, incorporated ! August 14, is;, a,:d has tho moU u.ittoriiie i ur6;rCt$ Oi -I'? mine in Lii.tk- Cottonwood, j For parlieulari iDiuiro of W. S. WUODuuLL, Vict: I'm.. Rcid's Builditik-. ! Uf J.-i. A. MURPHY, kSEC'RKTi r v, ! nun, l lteid's liuilding. 1 jDANIEL GRENIG'S BAKERY -A.VD GROCERY STORE, west sidi: 'commercial street, Nckv firioiKl Soutli Strt-tl, IS -NOW l.N l-'l'LL OWOKATIO.V Where he will be j.leaed to wait meu his frienja and p;itroni lrith Kvrrytliiiig in tlie above Lint' CHEAPER THAN EVER, GIVE HIM A CALL IX HIS XEW RETREAT. j TO LEASE. ' . uf the: test Drsisrss lots Uin-t v-:iy :.r lerm ol yew;. Injire I ihi.cai--'. j FOll REM. I 4 nt mid HOl'SE. CONTAINING EIGHT I A reuses. ith coll ir.'. barn aud stable. I n u ,i well "f water and other conveniences. I "ituaied tw bkick' F-u-h of Towr.-nd I H'tu-e. l-'uiuire at thn olhce. auUJ A FIVE NKW IinvSE. CONTAIN1NO : olcvtn ioot', wil!i p.intriei. flojeis,, c:.-., iiiu-bnl in the ben style: itust?d un tlie Uen.'h. lour snuarei v&H ol' Temp! , LloL-k. w i-1 be rented lor private residence , us I , i'-h or without k jrden. Oood rtler- ,n.;u re-iuired. Ai-: ly at tho Uekauu (JLU.'i". UUK ' pilt: I'I'I'KR STOKY OF THE CALIFORNIA ' 1 tijkun, Lotnmercial Street, juyy WAMED. I mmi.iiati:ly. a wet ni:rk. ap- i lly I", or Ie:ive nddrcs with C. L. Po-luuV, Po-luuV, at first National liuk. si 'pliKKE 'JOOD COOKS, SERVANT AND 1 Vi utertiirls. Apply to Knox i Cain-orJD. Cain-orJD. I' tali Labor Eichango, two doors north of Vtalkcr Bro'd. 1 WOMAN TO TAKE C1IARC.E OF A A. bou.'c, with a smnll family. Wages, ;n .,r ni.ii.tU. Addresd 1J, box 'J.-JJ, P. O. ' au(t.:l V bMALL FAMILY CAN BE ACCOM-mod.ue.l ACCOM-mod.ue.l with a very pleasant suite of fiirni-ued nunis and board with a private uuiity. Kii'iiiirj uf C. C. Nichols, at tho Uotas'in IUjU-o. aunll FOR SALE, .ViAUL J'OUTAllLi: ENOINE; EIGHT horse power. Apply at T, H. Josls i Co'i Lumber Yard. augM AHltSL-CLASS FAMILY CARKIaUE. ipply ut J. K. Trutubo'i Auction House, opposite alt L.iko ilouio. au-V I' WO LOTS. IX Till-: L'lth WARD, ON REA-aonnbie REA-aonnbie tcrmJ. Ajipiy to A. J . S wenson at tho'Xis Uool." ouglC STOLEN from my ranch, nour Salt Lake-! Cup. on iho niaht of tlio :17th inst.. an-Iron an-Iron ll-ey PONY, branded PR.: formerly: owned by the Rev. Mr. Foote. One hun-j drcd dollars will bo naid for tho appreheu-i ?ion ot the thief, ai'd a liberal fiiim lor the return of the pony. mm-M itill.T. CI.KMKKTS. j E11UCATI0NAL ! Course of Lectures MRS. C. L. WHITMAN, or Lnsnos, ' Tlio Oriental and Europoan Traveler, will Lecture ut THE OLD TABERNACLE, I OX TIHUSOAY, Kill DA Y AND SATURDAY KVEMSUS, August 31 ut, September 1st and. SUBJECT ! Three Vt'-irs in f"ic Holy Land and J'-att Duriut' l!io IccLuicb oho will exhibit relics from tbo Mount of O'.ivos, River Jordan, UcndSoa, Sea of Ualiloe, Damascus, Tyro, Baalbec, tla,a, Jopia, tho Church of the Nativity at Bothlobem, Hebron, Abrahara'8 Oak, tho old Temple Grounda on Mount Al o-riah. o-riah. at J erusaloiu. tjlio will exhibit Coins bearing tho imiiref? of tho days of David and Solomon, some older than tho days of Pharaoh, Pha-raoh, and that known as "tho Widow's Mito" used iu tho days of tho Savior, also iiitr lino colored Views taken in the Iloly Sho" will describe- tho betrothal, wedding and funeral of a Mahonimedan. Atlmtsslou. 35c(s, Locturo to coinuioncc at 7? j, auuGO EDUCATIONAL, !: Sr-t LATtIv'rt SCl-IOOLK.j .St. II ail 's Ginminar School for j Uoys nud Girls. ( Rt. Rev. D.S. Tuttlc, D.D., Rector, llov. T. W. llaskina. M. A. Principal. Fifth year bogins Tucsdny, (Sept. 5th, at? n.m. Location St. Mark's School Building, Third South Street, near East Totnplo. !st. IU ark's School for Girls. Rev. T. W, Ilaskitu, M.A., Rector. Misi K. M. S ifigiu, Principal. Mr. Itarmol Pratt, Vocal and Instrumeutul Music. First year bejins Tuesday, Sep. 5, at '.' a.m. rerm?, per quart or of 12 weolts. -Looation--st. Mark's Cliuroh, 1st South St. For further particulars in regard to tho school j see circular for IhTl-TH. nu-t Salt LakeSeminary UEV. FREDERICK S. STEIN, A. M , Principal. MRS. FRANCES K. STEIN, Preceptress ROOMS. -Tlie sessions of tlio Sominary will, for tlio prcseai. bo held iu tho rooms lorraerly occupied by t!io St. Mark's school, two bio'jkn soma ot P.O. on Main si, Time. Tuo I'.ill term will commenco ou .Woiiday. Seju. -1, and continue- four months, lie.;; Ill a: Ui :pnvt UK' Ut H. Thole Will iz Ijur re:;ii!.;r .lop TMueato of instruction. ir.: Vriw. u y. I nlci'iuediulo, Urammar and Acli deuiic. Speclnl K veiling Coarns.-Tltcrt. will bo. in addition ilio regular departments above, ihould t!.iT-j bo a douiaud for the same, spi .,l! o ,;tr.-i.', lor ovuning aessions. do.-ipicd t l)niie:i: ;boso who can not attend diinnir the d;:, i.: .-pcclal Ucroian, to learu m rt.id aoo r j.! tilv the samo; also Com-mort Com-mort i;il A r'ulnn I u Roadius, Urammar, io. Ucpui'iiiii ui of .iIumIc Thoro will bo instruction ahor lod iu vocal ntusie ; also, on ort-'iltl, piniio ,n;d inclodeuii. Oi linintnt 1 Depiivtuicut. Instruction Instruc-tion in oil p.-.ituiitK, crayon and penciling will bo oliV:-od tlin-,0 who dusirc it. LiLtniTi, uj. Chidbo'trne, formerly Preeidenl ii Wl-consin- Univotaiiy, has agreed to siv.. a uour.-o of lectures duri;ig the comirik-te. m, oji hi geology and n-ine-ralogy ut L Uli, for the beuetlt bi IU6 i-uhuol Term. Piiuiary Deiartmont, si per mouth. Intermediate Departcicnt, .2 per month, tiruiuiuji- Department,-j per month. Auiidujio Departmout, liueludiog highor UlUth yLnuily. uuiwiat sciences, anil ancient and moueril !-UiyA ;l ujontlj. uicnts monthly in unVunco. Informatiou. l,r any needed inform ation, apply m person or by Utter, to the Priuciual, or to the uudcr;in-ued. . IEIIICE. Salt Lako City, Au. 16, 1471. auiy j MUSICAL TUITION.! Profesiior John Tullldge, foraierlyl one oftbe conductors of tho York Phi,har-i monic Society Concerts, and the formatori ol several similar insiititions in England, having decided to niako his futuro rejidenco in Silt Lake L'i'.y, is cU;iruu- of teaching i tho following branches of musical educa tion: ' L'rlvnte Vocal Kcndlnsr Lissom, a 1 lu t he t4.ua i it-r - 13.011 Oiifuu ' " - aij.OU Voice Training ami Flu- i islitng Ltsooii, i lu the Uunrtcr - Sil.OO1 Harmony, Counterpoint, Khyium and Coniposltlun i Ltssous, .'ii lu the Quarter - S'U.OU 1 One half to be paid in advance. Enveloped ' applications, ecut to box No. Tu. Po;t OOice. and ut ihii Uliice. will leciive immediate attention. at-tention. augJl ! Attention Miners! 7anlc1l liuiiitdlalely three hun-V hun-V ilrcil t.nir, of AUCE.V-TtFEllOLS AUCE.V-TtFEllOLS ti,LliSA and COPFKIl UKK9 ni SCHEMER'S SMELTING aii BEFM& WORKS, At Uiiiou Fun, hiuh.- Cuttouwuuii. Rate; fur Siuclting Uree frt.ni aLO ti -H per ton, a tier 'iualitj and iiuantity. on nnn0 Z.U UU UinON AND STEEL At C II. iiasseifs. Oppoilt Skit Lftk Hoiim. MISCELLANEOUS. .llesdames E.Rawliugs if. Tester I'LAIS &SD FANCY DRESSMAKERS, On the moit reaaonfthle termi, CUTTING AND BASTING DONE. One bloek north of Stenhouee' Professor Uoeiloy's Corour. l'.'th Ward. augo To the f ubllc of I'uli Territory 1 Ho it knnwr tat I have thi Jiv appointed -lilt. C1IAULK!) V. MTAVNKU, of I' tah Territory, to ait ad sgem for laid Territory Ter-ritory tor the sale of the Great Mra Hair Restorer, and havo given him tbo tola and exclusive rislit aud authority to sell tlio fame throush-! throush-! oat tho Territory of L'tah; and 1 hereby ! certify that ho h:is for sale tho genuine ar-i ar-i tick-, manufactured by (he I "GREAT UNKNOWN." Witr.ciS my hnnd at Salt Lake City. l:tahj Territory, this Twenty-first day of August, a, D.. Tlli: UKKAT l.KSOVS. 3Iyifnecis for tho proient at the Com. fort Huumv three blocks south of iho'L'own-dedd iho'L'own-dedd House, Salt Lake City. CHARLES W. STAYNER, I Apciit for th ORE AT UNKNOWN , llAllt U1CSTOUKU. aitgl WATCHES UEM'ELRY! O. L. ELIASON, BKtiS tu luform tho residents of Salt Lake , City and vicinity, that lie not only guarantees to properly ltepalr, Clean and Adjust Watches iid Chronometers, j but bo tvl!l ma lie them, or any part o( Ihem, to order, and warrant tho work. A x ew suvpi.y of K LQ IN find SWlrtM WATUUKd jual ronflived, which ho will puarftntoo hb rol inblo liitC'koours. Pricei tu duty competition ! llemembor tho nddroff. Two doors east oriioOcr, Klilrctlse C'0'8 Uank. TESTIMONIAL. ! San Francisco, July, lsTO. I We, the undersigned, take groat ploaxurt in recouimeudinir Dn. A. W. CALUtJK, tc all thoso who may need tbo services of 1 ! Dentist, as a thoroughly coinputont and J skillful operator, and ono in whom wo hav I implicit couAUenoo, both as a DootiiUand t , (ontlemiin. I Dn. 11. Austis, Dentist. ; Una. RoHEtiTa Sc 1'RKKt.ANn, Dentidta, It. 11. McUo.Vald Co., Druggista. OPr'ICF, lu Seventies' Halt Building 1 First bhil Street, SALT LAKE CITY. ! Juiil j A. Xj"W A. Y IS OIV TI A N i: I A FINK ASSOKT31KNT OK I Ladies' and Children's I Hats and Turbans At MRS. WILKINSON'S, j j u . MAIN PTHl-'ET. COAL! COAL! Having purchased tho Spriggs Coal Mine We are iivepnrtil to supply this Justly Cflebrftit-tl WEBER COAL hy car load or retail. Depot nt U. C. It. It. laid. Olllcci Kxchnnc and Heading ltooins. BATE MAN & BUEL. auK W. II. BIRD. Agent. HARDWARE. I ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS! '.tl.sT RECEIVED : Another Car Load OF THOSE 1 jCrescent I Stoves, ! Antl wo invite all to call and examine exam-ine them, as we warrant ALL of them to wc ; PERFECT SATISFACTION, j Far surpassing any other pattern ever ! brought to this Territory. We aUo have a tew of tho.e OVEL. i LAUNDRY Stoves, SOMETHING NEW, Together with a very large variety ot Cooking Stoves, FROM THE SMALLEST TO THE LARGEST. Cull and sec for yourselves ALL KINDS UF Copper, Tin and Iron Work riONE TO OllDKR ; SENSENEY&CO Omj,.,'iU IK ". it- 03 Oili I SALT LAKE CITY I NAYLOR IIKO'S Ii:nv on huiiJ the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, VVLieh thoy olTcr -A. T -VEH-" LO"W 2P II ICES. FIRST HAST STREET, UALF-A-BLOCK SOUTU OK TIIEATKB C ALDER BROTHERS JVftlrd ir. every viivifly MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPECIAL AGKNTri lor Utah of tlio Ai-ion lManofoi'te C'oiniutiy, Klrimvny c Sum, Cliirk-c Cliirk-c iins l Sons, Decker : Hiivnes mid (Jroveslein & Kullei's a. fc- Zl V () It LU-KE NOW NKD CABIHET D2jO-J1TB Read what our Professors of :Mu.mo und Leadtnc Citizens of tho Territory say about them in our new Circular. : Book.s, Stationery 1 AND SCHOOL FURNSSHiHCS. mv21 nClTII & MLLLHJAX, M AN UVACTUBKRS OK WHITE LEAD, 1 Zinc and Colors, 170 &. 172 Randolph street, CHICAGO. an;4 . ALL KINDS 1 MiningTools Wright's licKs, Shoveis, Iron Barrows, Etc., iitc. POWDER AND FUSE, IK.03ST PIPE, PIPE F ITTI N G S, Brass Goods, ' SCOTT, DUiXHAM & CO'S, ftlaln Street, West attic, Next door to White House: LOW FOR JASII. DR. HARRIS, DElsTTIST, OFFICK Over Onvis' Urorcry Store, .lAIN STRUET. ur29 EXCELSIOR GOAL COMP'Y. Rook. Springs, WYOMING TERRITORY. Blair, Bro, i Co., - Pronr's. juy-l HO FOR THE "LADY OF THE LAKE," L'Dtil Tu rib or notioo tho olontner Lady of the Lake VT ill loavo& l.ulni nluuit a. nuar tor of n milt below the Jordan bridge ovury day for PLEASURE TRIPS, Tuesday, August 29th, Al 10 a.m. an 1 2 p.m., running down to Puttits", redlining tlioro about ono hour, returning al about 1 m. und 5 i.in Fare for the round trip $1.00. XU.ULJKll LIMITED. Ktu- 1 ItlttU iipply Rt Ji W. Youug'i Otlitf. HcH ohaicm.- can Le obtained on hoard an' at PcttUs'. 'ic:1? LAST TEMPLL STRJCKT. HALT LAKE CITV. r " ar 2 TT- JfiEHOBS j. A. F. TILDES, J. C. LAWREr'"KTO PROPRIETORS. Juyli I-itu uT N-r York GO TO DUNFORD & SONS Mammoth Shoe and Hat House FOl! YOUR BOOTS, SHOES & HATS, A:OTll EU ij.MWK AEiiJIVAL. GOODS CHEAP! COODSCHEAP! OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. H. DINWOODEY'S New rurniture Store VS EAt-T TEM1JLE STHEEVT. X j5 ZSTO"W open. lla ou hM.ua & very Lars AcBOinntiH of ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! p;u, p.lv,r , 'rouj flu-j to (.u-z,".'.:' : .:y -:- Alsu at his Stand West of Meat Market, First South St |