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Show LEGAL 13 . COOPKR, 1 ATTOUXKY AND COLTXiELLUit, ; Offlee-Exchange anil Reading , U.UOW) uv-(alrB 1 ju!i BA1.T LAEE CITY. I 2. U. lieicp!tcj.d, M. Kirk pa trick j HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, ; Attorncys-at-JLzMv, j Main Street, oppome Wells, Pirno k Co., I HALT LiKi.taV, ! C. II. Uempsteaa, U.S.AU'y fwr Uuh. K3 Z. SNOW. E. D. UOUE. S.N'OW At liOGK, Attorneys and Counselor at Lav ?..lt Lao City, Ll.Ii. Office at suuw'j corner, 1st lj.t Street. Ji;5 S. P. McCurdy. C. H. Morgan McCLKDV IUOUGA., A 1 1 'Jrneyt-at-La w, Qvnc Four doors cast of Ukrald Office, ia SALT LAKE CITY. !' I T O I I & M A N N , A 1 1 o r li e y s-a t - Lit w , OiEce, Firat South St., Fourth doer eit of Hooper, Kidredse Jc Oo's H.iik. Salt Lai.o U.'.y. ai i Warner fcarli. f. M. Smith. KAULL SMITH, A X T 0 R N K V S A T h A W , 8AJ.7 LAKE t!TY, L'xH Temple direct, ono Hour south of aJi i-t.,ro HOTAtliES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, Ai Mining; Deed:", Agreements and Bonds for Deeds. Mortgages, Fowcra of Attorney, Leases, Cunir.ictd and other instruments ol writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. mining Companies Incorporated. Incorpora-ted. under the Lniv of Ltnti. A. S. GOULD, and COMMISSIONER JF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Peuu.-ylva-nia,Ohio, Dlinow, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories, Ter-ritories, East Temple tit., near "Wdh, Fargo 6s Co., Halt Lake Oily. mil tiftrJKtlso. WELLS, FARGO & CO,, Express Forwarders, Bankers, Olid DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all tlie principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIO NS Promptly attended to. Eait Temple St., Suit Lake City. T11E0. P. TRACY, AgonL mil Ibos.R. Jones, A. W. White BANKING IIOUHK ov I A. W. WIIITK it, CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, a30 Salt Lako Uitj FIRST lATIUBAL BAIK DF UTAH. (Suocesiors to Ilusiey, Dalilcr Co.) Wabhbn HiisflKT, C. L. Dahlkr, President. Vioo Prost. Anthony Gobbe, Coshlor. (Salt Lnke City, Ltuh ; Also oonnoctintr offices at Ogdon andCorinne, Utah, and Virginia and Uoloua. Montana. Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw Exchanjro on Now York. Chicago, St- Louia, Omalia, Dcnvor. San trancisco. and all par La of Earojic ColUctlona ProiniUy AttenUed To. mil fECIOAL I J)W. A. FOWLER, 1'IIYSICIAN AND SUKGKON, OQloo over llio Cu-openilivo Drug StOTO. jn'i MninStrct-t.S. L. City J. M. i T. 1). BliMiDlCT,' SURGtONS AND PHYSICIANS, j Ullioo Ovor CuKlor Bru'a JIusio Emixitiuui. .1 W, F.ANDERSON, M.O. H. I. RICHARDS, M.D, Surgeons nnil I'lij'siciaus, Ollkcs, for tho prosoiil. nt tUoir rc?icotiTO rc,ldon0C3 iu lliu ljlli aud 17th WurJa. DR. GROVES, Ofllcd 4d Soulli St., Salt Lnko Clly. Throo doors Won of Hovoro House, half la block Kiwt o( tho KlonUant Storo. omul HiU'Ha vkiim 'J a.m. to ji'.m. mi DR. HIGQ1NS DAVIS, SUUOKON AND PHYSICIAN, OEUoo-Firat dour west of tho JuylS ltovcro Hondo. 1 J. X T St Hi I T 1 1 . VUYSIC1AN3 AND BUKUEONS, Ofllcc at Ciolli'a Drug Store, jvS S:iU T.nkn City. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., Ll of Canton City, evnilD., OflVr hit !'rnf':."ionaI services to tho people ofJalt LakoUity, Kwido nee at L Pt. Ir-ler's Ir-ler's h.ilfhlik south f U alkor Bros, store. K.-tToun-N-Siroot. J-a 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. 1'tlYSlOIAN, SUKGKON AND DRUGGIST, U UllIUIIAN CITY. UTAH. MOORE & POTTER, t'AUPKNTKllS AND UU1LDKBS, Commercial Street, .. (Hnror Salt Lakn Ht)J N. P. LAKE & CO., Ofteo with Dunford & Martin. Old Conultutlon Buliaiug iit i Vp H1'1' Hv. C M. sTOWE, HEALING MEDIUM.j Kuoui .No. ; l , Salt Lake House, Will devoto a roTtii-n of her lime to tho. i'l.iirv.y,int cxmiuinnion ! ro.'k. to flJCcr lain the ci.wt lodLiyn ot miacr.il ledges. mi I ASMOSSES iqj PracUcalU'atchuaker Auci O 13 "TO" n IjBII . VorUinaulilp Cuarautecd, K.mho finest stock of Watches and Dij. niond Jctlry in tho we-ft. at very moderate j'ricc.'. W.uch glajjci utted .U-'i key. i to 13 ?t.'.; ha:id. ot?. Remember, Crt C. Ajmuueo, Mam lt;ot. t4 HOTELS, ET TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADIXG HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This House id centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 130 guests. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build largo additions to his Hotel, whiah when finished, will ronJ-er it the Most Complete Establishment i in tho 'rocky MOUNTAIN REGION ! i mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCK EAST OP THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. TermS3.00 per day. Board without with-out room Sl'-i.OO rr week. Bath. free to guel8. J.C.LirTLE, jun24 Proprietor. OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Main and Loeuststree'.j, TOOELE CITY, UTAH. Oooti Accommodation for Families. a'j5 K- 8- FOOTB, Proprietor. C. LOIZ, J. WOLF. German Bakery Commercial Street, near Second lioutli Street, FIRST-CLASS BREAD. CAKES. AND CONFECTIONERY Of all kinds, at the lowest raloa. Give id a call. nns'20 GRAND RESTAURANT, GODDARD'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE STREET. JUST OPENED. Thia establishment ia elegantly furnished, ket.'is tuppliod with tho delicacies of tho soaiion and tho bc;t lie market .affords, and cuiploy none but FIRST-CLASS COOKS. Dinners served and dishes cooked to order in tto best stylo and at tho lowest rates. i'rcih salmon, cod ani rocktish rccoired daily. ovonioj,', for ladiui, in privuto rooms. COSMOPOLITAN REST'RANT COFFEE SALOON, Noxt Door to Wells, Pargo i Co's, Ulaiu St., Salt Lake City. flr-Tho best tho Market affords cooked in urst-clas stylo. MEALS, GO Cents. Dishes served 1 carlo at moderate; prices. H. H. IIorst, Proprietor, i Ugll GALIFOROTA CHOP HOUSE AND OYSTER SALOON, BERNARDIS f STEVENS, Prop', EAST TEMPLE STREET, Throe doors boloff Second South St., SALT LAKE CITY. Ol'EN DAY AND NIGHT. 2 PHILIP MARGETTS, Second soutli Street, Snlt Lake City, WIIOLESAI-KAXDHLTAII. DEALER IN English and Scotch Ales, POUTER, STOUT, JOULE'S STONE ALE, (iESUNE, iUcElVAN'3 E1HNCIUGII ALE, A srECIAI.TY, on drautrht, in any ritinntity: also a splendid iifflortuicnt .if tho bel tobacco and cicars. Country doalors tupyliod; terms roasonablo, BREWER, BEMIS & CO., CliiciiifO nuil Oinaliu LAGER BEEH, ALE AND PORTEK, WIIOLEiiALK AND RETAIL, Families sin. plied by tho quart, or in quantities quan-tities to auit- Chnico cigars alv.-.tys on bainl : also, Llmbur;rr and Swiii Cheese for Lunch, aud at ivtiOLCdALi:, I (loddnrd's Building. hnemont, Main strcot, ono door south of Hint National Bank. juyt nitEWEH &. LAPIIAM. LAGER BEER SALOON I WAOENER'S CELEBRATED Lager Beer. Ale AND POUTER, Under Wooilmaiuee'i Building,; j First door north of Well?. Fargo's. (iitelO H- T Ht'Si DT CO. 'CAUFORMA BREWERY j SALOON, Commercial street. I Lager Beer and Ale, wholesale a nd retai iu HENRY WAGENER. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep conitanUy on hand, J Wholesale ami Retails Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowell Rate. OROKSBKCK'S BOILDISOg, ) all Eaat Timpl Street. E. MARTIN &. CO. I Wholesale Lipr Dealers, 108 Front Street, San Frnnclico. 1 Proprietor? of MILLKH S EXTRA OLD BOI RIIOS I And ;o!e aent tor i I, F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOUrtaON WHISKIES Con-(n:ly on hand, a full acrtment of ill the j Standard Uran.U of WUUktes, Fine B ran ill e t, ' Foiclgu iml L)ometlc Wines, I tii Bitter, Corrtlale, c. LUMBER YARDS. LUMBERYARD. DOORS, WINDOWS, BLI.NDS, MOULDINGS AND ALL KINDSJF LUMBER. T. R. JOSES & CO., Ualf-a-block south of U. C. Depot my3 LDDINGTOX'S AT Two Blocks uoutli of the TJ. C. R.R. Depot, and next to Win. Jtii-aliigi' Jtii-aliigi' Tanner'. The yard is kept constantly supplied by several sawmills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits tho patronago of his old friends, and by runotuality and diligence in business hopes to merit a share ofpublio support. FOR SALE In tho loth Ward, one block- and a half west of tho U. C. H. II.. a small house and half lot. with fine orchard. For particulars enquire of auglS WM.EDDIKQTON, TAR AND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated July IT, 1871. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. i Dealers in all kinds of Building Material LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLII.'DS, ALL KINDS MOULDINGS, C1I1CO SUGAR PINE,. CEILING, SIDING, FLOORING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC, ETC., ETC. Orders for Mill Timbers promptly filled. DOORS, SASH, BUNDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., five doors south oC Walker's All business done through tho President of tho Company. Offices Lumber Yard, ono block south of Railroad Depot. E. II. BARRON, President. D. W. PARKUURST, Secretary. CHARLES UAULEU, juv2! Tronsurer. 75000 CUKRENC Y. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT Will bo given at INDEPENDENCE HALL, SALT LAKE CITY, D.T.. OCTOBER 3, 1871. BT CHURCH & CO. During the Concert 1 ,.T 1 7 Ol ft s will Ije tllfllrlhutcd nnioiiK lieUet Holders -amounting to 87i,oOO in Currency as follows! 1 Gift of Currency S'-J M 1 Ki"0 M 1 1 ' 2.IH-0 00 : :: , 5 : " J.wooo im " tit " " ' -Ml "' :',:ro "i 80 2J " 1'. 00 1,517 Priics amountinK to Bu,0u0 00 The JTS.IVO will ho aepoiitcd in the First Nftiional Bank of Utah previous to the day of drawing, The druwiac will Ike pl ltl0 P0 l ,wWinm.innr proci-ly timilu i iLal of (hP Concert -iven in i.in Eraaci.co. a.d of the Mercantile LiLmry, and iinJcr tho uporTnion ol a Committee of well known citueus of Salt Uko City. 00.000 Ticket will lie eold at S3-oU cacb. The ticket will admit tho bearer to tho Concert. Tickets for t.Ue t all the irinciil busie house ol" th lerritory. All orders for ticket aud drafts for muuey lo be .Jdrwedto CHURCH CO., P. 0. Cox 5iT Salt Lake City, U.T. ,T;.ll 0 AT S FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL. THOS. R. JONES St CO,, llatra-llock South of lr. C. Depot. fur 8 - TO THEJUBLIC. "V'OTICE is hereby Riven to all whom il x may concern, that I nm tho owner of too unJirided one-half part of tho Lowland Chief and Baltic mine?, consistirg of 1,000 feet each, situated in Oi-hir minion district, Tcocle county, Utah, and I forbid the sale or porchsso thereof by anyone, and further. UiaUneiiher Charle3 Jlosmer nor anyone ehe has any right, power or authority to sell or in any manner dispose of my said intcr-ett intcr-ett in said property. JAMES W. MILLS. Snlt Lake City. Aug. 23, 1371. TUOUSAXDS OF POBDS op Bacon, Ham, Grain, Salt, Etc., .FOli SALE. Cash paid for Dried Peaches. J. XV. SN ELL, ;is20 Idaho Stoic. 2nd South Street. Jno. Taylor &Bro. MERCHANT TAILORS, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP conflnntly on hmd a chi.i-e fuyort-mcnt fuyort-mcnt of '1 'INCH, ENGLISH and AJI EH IU AN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of the finest finalities and latest stylos, which wo vnko up to order in tho niot fajhionablu and approved manner. PATRONAGE SOLICITED-O uifr'23 Sewing Machines For Family ami Mamifacturiuj Purposes, Embody all that is now and novel in Sewin Machines. Thoy nro tho latest improve an! lishtcstrnnninK shuttlo machines in th world. Beautiful ana compact in model nn unoxccllcd in material and finish. Thoy sc ovcrythiiiK from laoo to heaver cloth in th most pcrfcot mannor. Every variety of Hemming, Fell lit Q Quilting, Cording, Ruflllnff, Piping, Pi-ping, Tubing, Fri'ifjliig, Hem Stitching ., easily iierformcil. Straight Neotlle. No Cog-wheels No Vibrating Springs. Every machine warranted as represents SiUcBi-oum on First Saudi Bireel Sail Lake City, opposite tho TUealr. IRA PFOUTZ, Juris Agciil. Dried Fruit! We are desirous of pui-clliisins pui-clliisins nil of the Dried Fruit Crop of this Territory. Terri-tory. We WILL PAY IM CASH The Highest Price Paid in the Market for APRICOTS, PEACHES, AVe are desiroua of employing ACENTS IN EVERY SETTLEMENT, To whom liberal cominiision will hi allowed. Rffi, LECHTENBERG & Co. Maiu Mr e?t, S. I. lily. JDL13 TRAVEL. LIVERPOOL & QUEESSTGWN. . . -4 ir-" IN MAN L INE Of Royal Stemere, Sat Hug from New York Every Saturday AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Paatage, to LiWy.'i- ipAA) $75.00 Steerage ' " " (rcr.) J0.00 Paaaage from Liverpool to New York Crbln, - (G,Mrt $75.00 Steerage, - - (Co-ma,:) 3-1. 00 Round Trip Ti.-kets iued at very low rate JOHN R.DALE, A in-tit, lo Broadway, New York., Or WTLL1AM CALU!:H. Afreet, n-.r -.!t l.Oto Tit. TtAh. UTAH CENTRAL PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On ami after Monday, July 17, 187 1. Z)aiSy Train Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a-m- and 2:45 p.rr. Arrive at Otidcn 7 a. m. and 4:46 p. in. Leave 0den at S :i. in. and p. m. Arrive at 61 1 Lako City 10 a.m. and 7:S0 p.ta In addition to the above Will run DA1IA', SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Lcavint: Suit T.-ako City nt 8 a.m. and 5.30 p.m., aud Ogdcn ui 6 a.m, and Li p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to PassVer 51 i setl Y'oods Crnss - ii 70 ;U ,i5 Coutxeville - - - 0 lit 0 iS F.irminKton - - 1 U v" Kaysvi.lo - - - 1 i'.'i 0 Sn Ution - - - - of I oO Fare from Ogden to Kaysvillc - - - SI Tl $11 lo Farniiiictcn - 1 7U 0 85 , CeutrevLllc - - - 2 t'5 1 U Woods Cro:a - - 2 lio 1 lo Salt Lako City - - 2 5u 1 .V.I Paatcngert will pleaae Fnrcliivai lUelr Ticket at tlic Ulllcee- Fifty Cent! additional will bo eharced when the faro is colluded on tJs train. For all information onnoernins freight oi pasace, apply to D. O. CALUKtt, General Fioitht and Tickut Ag't, JOHN SHARP, U I'Ell 1 N TK N DENT, I GILMER & SALISBURY'S ' DAILY ! STAGE LINES THROUGH Ulaii Soulli "Camt ievada & Mow- Leaving Snlt Iinltc Clly Hnily, running run-ning sou ill to Tintic, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sevier, St. Goortre, Utah ; and t'ioche, iSovtsda ; Passing tUrouglt L Provo, Sprinevillo, Spanish Fork,Pay-c' Fork,Pay-c' son. Salt Creek, L'bicken Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beaver, Miners- . ville, aud All tlic principal towns and mining owips in southern vtah and south-cast Nevada. AUo leave Cnrliuie, L'talt, tlally. miming iioitl. to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Door Lodge, Cedar Creek niiaou, aud passitiAi through all tho pnueipal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building, jun Salt Lake Cily. Lcn Wines. XI. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express LI3STE, KL'SXIXU D AIL If FROM b ALT LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON ASO OPUIIl TO TINTIC. Tee route hi been re-t-p-ked with Iplen-(3 Iplen-(3 id Cr.nct.rd Ci'acuoT, hr.o .: tork. caicful rjd at te-live Drivers a :H every at '.cation i paid to tae comfor". nn i convenience of pM a eager. ea-ger. Good accomtiwd"! ioiu on tk& umhL ' THKOUOH BY DAVLIGI1T. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Ofllce at Weill, Fargo . Co.'-, Salt Lake City. WINKS k KIMBALL, all Prcprittfcrt. SEWING MACHINES. , READ THIS!; T H K j SINCER SEWING MACHINE In all the beautiful varieties I SSI! EE SEE! BT EVERYBODY Contemplating tho purchase of a Machine for family or oihor use. I At our ncwty-lltteil np Salesroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Department of Z. C. III. I., -will be found a Full Aeaortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Pricos to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER j SliWLNG MACHINE ; NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend 11 to the public, a " following In 1S.S) theso now cclobratca Machintf were first olierod io tho public and in iliu four years fueeoclinc l-1 ,Tero fo'1- .lo" day over that number are weekly turned out from 'ho factory, and yet this immeno sui', ply in not cnual to tho demand. A t the end of tho year 17. upward ot -00 eO Machine. were fold, and in the lollowing years, from 'fa to 'Tit, the numbor had been increased to upward of 500.000 MACHINES SOI.D, One third of which were dUpoaed of within tbe preceding twelve month. From the forocoini! itwill bo seen that dur-inp dur-inp tho laat throoyoara, the salos have been upward of fifty per d nl more lhao durum the whole of the tovontoon provioui years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a loore ofyenra thorough trial la that the , is ail.iptod to all kinds of work. Fcwing rcudily tho thickoet and most stubborn material ma-terial Xi the finest and most dolicalo !:iiiru-n with a siitch, (bat for evencs, pcrieotion and durability ia unomalled. Accompany ini; each Machine are printed instruction1), so pL'in and oawy of comirolion-sion comirolion-sion that, although wo recummond customers custom-ers to uiito at loiit one lesson irum tho l.'p. orator, il is fioldom done purchaser Hoeing at a Blanco the simplicity ol the ilai-hint and completeness ot the construction. Some ot the AJDV-A-JSI TAGE S OF THB SINGER MACHINES ARE Simplicity of construction therefore loea liability to get out of repair. Short, atraieht needle less liable to bend, break or skip the stitch. Tho shuttle la carried; friction, wonr and the nocooaity of ijreaeing tho raco aiethus avoidod. Head in cos with which the most inexperienced inexper-ienced oan adjust tho IbdbioU ol the thread. Freedom from wonr. Alter twenty years constant aerrico thoBo machines have never been known to wear out. Thoy are noifeless, rapid and easy in all their inoveiuonu- All onr machines are adjuated and put In thorough runniuii ordor.by ooniyctent handf, i befoto ilolivcry. l'iirohaorp tborolnre bT no trouble, but oan suooMilully operate with them at once. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE 'MACHINES arethorotuhly practical and will perform all thatweolaiin lor them. Tlie Improved j MANUFACTURING MACHINES for hoavy wiirk, arc too well known to need ommont. Wo also keep in Hook the AVw Medium Noisclest MANUFACTURiNQMACHIHES Onr stock of the Hiner flewins- Machine is very e.leriive, unbracing every vannty of Cuifh. (n.in the plain M a-hitie. mi-unled on hlark walnut tnile, oiled, to the olubor-ntelv olubor-ntelv pearled Machine, w.ltj ualiima eiueand fcildinit cover iu niottibd bia-k walnut, roue, wr.i-d. or iL.aL-.rfanr highly poliM,. j. Evary M fin no is Iu rrnh"l with th iittip oomplete iuruiture. iucluilini the new aam-mer aam-mer teowing all widlhsy and lei let and braider. brai-der. We guarantee our Nachlnea la do Hemming, all wldtliai FelllUKI liein-atltchlnfil liein-atltchlnfil UraldlnKi Magic Hultllnfti Euibrolderli'K (no chain tlttliji Oatherlng and Ktwlng ou at aama tl ma, with or without a band, on the edge or In the cent er CordlntnTuck-liRl CordlntnTuck-liRl Untltlntri TrlminlnKi liinding all wldtha and kind, etc., etc., ale. Two dootft toulh of the Kal Km- WE DELIVER MACHINES 'W'ilhjut AdJitional Charge TO ALL PARTS OF THIS CJTY All kiDda of BcwiDjt Wvrhincf tLorougldy IUpaircd on Ilca-HjDable Ilca-HjDable ToriDfi. I oil I! li, (JLAWBON, Bupl HARDWARE. ALL SIZES Iron, Cast Steel, Toe Steel, SpringSteel, BELLOWS, ANVILS, Vices and other Blacksmith Tools, AXLES, SPRINGS, Carriage and M.rhlu, Bolt,, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Carpenter's Tools, &c, SCOTT, Dl.imi Si CO S Main Street, Weal aide, Next door to White House. LOW FOli CASH, TnTrW ST Pnl Ar told out .fuiaoy kiuns of STOVES and hare only a few left. Xhry h.ve a large iuntity of HORSE & MILE SHOES, HORSE SHOE NAILS. A number ot Fairbanks' Scales, Aud the reuiainiug stock of HARDWARE Tinware, Etc., Which they are- felling positively at COST. Store Opposite Salt Lake House, No orders or duo bills taken or time given in tho Hardware store. atiG'J6 tJICIiA.tDS' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., MamilarUireisof PORTABLE & STATIONARY j Engines, i eslow c s.rsEii.iis And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces (JoutrnolB made for building i''urna- CCB Of Utah Fire Stone, InuliiJinjr Miieliincry, Ac, ?ct uj in complete running order. llrfrrencea Kiirrka Plliilitg rum. ' iaii)', (?nll Lake Cll) Ulnh Htnelt-I Htnelt-I ng Company, I'ltittc. Address J. C. Jilehardu, Chicago. C. II. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORK All kinds ol HEAVY I1ARDWAHE, Iron niid Nltol, Stoves and Tin Ware ULACKMjntTtl TOOLU, Agricultural I in (it fin rim And 91 1 n lug Tool, At Lovreat Ratti, UPI'UMITK HALT LAKE It Of It K nit ta-nT 21 f-i w i 1 Ha C H 5 g -i lr-4 "H o Z q O EH i 5 |