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Show PACIFIC COAST SEWS. I MUST DISPATCH. AL1FOKSJA. Ljs Ang'-li-.-, Nothing laU-r from the 1'ala Mission has been received, re-ceived, with regard Ui the trouble among the Indian.-. The excitement in the settlements of San Luis Key, lJala, Munueriit, and as far as Warner's War-ner's Ranch, which has been intense, is now sub.-idinsr, but the people are under anus, and prepared fur an outbreak out-break ot ih" enemy. The Indians are spreading to the Colorado and the head chiefs have joined Olegario, at Browu's (.'amp, near the old Pala I Mission. j At 9 o'clock this morning Juan Jooe I Moreno, and FraneiM;o Guardo, quar I relied about the .-ilver mounting on a saddle; three hois were fired, taking ! effect in Moreuu's bhoulder, causing a slight wound. The parlies were ar-j ar-j rested. The wounded man refused to i enter complaint. j San Jose, 'M. There wa.s a large attendance at the race to-day, There '. was a pur.-e of $1,UU0 for mile heats, i best Li in ,'j; 1st horse, i.'ji.n); lid, $-."0; liid, $1.10; -1th, $K0. Imvc started ! Black Ralph, Highland Maid, Travel-er, Travel-er, Poresc and Uerkly )ioy. First I heat won by Black Ralph, time, 2:41; 1 2d heat, won by Black Katyh; time, ,2:-12, Berkly Boy distanced; od heat, won by Traveler, time, 2:4-1; 4th heat, won by Tvcvcler, time, 2:45, Forest distanced; ;ith heal, won by 'f'mveler, ' lime, 2:41- ' To-morruw there will be a race, heats, o in ."i, 1'or all trotting .stallions. There are cix entiit's- Wm. Hamilton's Alexander, A. C. St. John's Brilliant,' Goodhue's Copperhead, Whipple's Ajax and Williams' Lilian Alien, Jr. AltlZUNA. San Diego, The Tucson, Arizo-1 na, Citi-.en, dated Tucson, 24th, has the following: General Cook's expedition expe-dition reached Camp Apache on the 1 2th iut. This morning the most important news of the Indian situation here and in New Mexico has como to hand which is authoritative and can be j relied upon. As the expedition was: moving towards Apaoho, there were, rumors that the Indian agents, in New I Mexico, had runners in Arizona, under pay, gathering up LVhises' families and taking them on to the reservations. Tho New Mexico Priests denied this, but now there is official evidence of its truth. While General Crook was at Camp Apache a Justice of the Peace, of Mexican extraction, and six Indians, came to that point with credentials from Indian Agent Pipor, and other oillcial instructions to the effect that their mission was to get the Cachises and other Indians to go to tho Ruasi resorvation, at Canada Alamos. The loader of this delegation, acknowledges he had received one thousand dollars ibr taking a hundred and fifty ol Cachises' old infirm men, women aud children to Canada Alamos; and that at the same timo, Cachises was on the war path in Arizona. General Crook s j guides and scouts recognized among r their paid runners a few of the worst mombera of Oaohisos' band. They also boasted that it was Caohisos' tactics to have his force of disabled men go on the reservation, and bo fed : by Government while the active ones waged war: and when hard pushed, j Cachises would himself sock govern- j ment protection and food. They made j no secret of this. They also got $1,000 i for making the present search, to get j $3,000 more on their bringing in Ca- chises. Por these reasons Gen. Crook's! expedition has been unable to find the! Indians, their mountain homes being! deserted. All their homes are abandoned, aban-doned, and the able warriors were roaming roam-ing with great ease and quietness, over the plains ana mountains. ti. inJi Bureau, unintentionally no doubr, is aiding them, in thwarting the most vigilant efforts of the enthusiastic military. mil-itary. A department order dated Camp Apacho, August 14th, constituted the troops of Capt. Moore and Stan-wood, Stan-wood, 3rd cavalry, a command to operate op-erate against hostUo Indians independent indepen-dent of all posts, and to get their supplies sup-plies wherever most convenient. The expedition is to be commanded by Capt. Guy A'. Henry. Troops are now scouring the country between Camp Apacho and McDowell. Gen Crook with the remainder oi' his original command, is on bin way to Prescott ut'a Camp Verdi. Bcforo leaving Apache, tho General tested the sincerity sincer-ity of Miguel's largo baud near that post. He gave Miguel eight days to furnish fifty warriors, to light on our side, and they were furnished. Miguel Mi-guel professed peace, und now gives the proof of it. Orders have gone out to recruit up every horse and mule, and have all pack-gearing in perfect order, ready to use at an hour's notice. no-tice. No thought of cessation of hos tilities is entertained. Tho troops and everybody else, have confidence that the country will be thoroughly scouted during the coming winter. If no adverse ad-verse war department orders interfere to change the General's programme, wo will have a peace in Arizoua, that can be liusLed. Nothing has been heard froui Gov. Safford's great prospecting party, since they entered the Pinal Mountains, on August Jt'.th. SKCOND DISPATCH. e.VLlKOH.VlA. San Francisco, yi.The Board of Health to-day removed Dr. Bolau, physician phy-sician of the county hospital, and ap- Eointcd Dr. Lawlor, brother of Prank ,awlor, landlord and actor, in his place. The proposed ordinance, providing for regulating the "social evil," drawn up by Dr. Holland, was submitted to Drs. Toland and Hubbard for revision. It is feared the ordinance will prove practically inoperative for the reason that the legislature failed to give tho needed power to accept proof of the reputation of a house as conclusive as to its character. As the law now! stands, positive evidence only is ad- i j mittcd and this, from the very nature ' i of tho business, can seldom if ever bet obtained. Mary E. Marshall, colored, aged 43, i a native of Washington, D. C, applied' to the county clerk to-day to be placed i j on the great register as a voter, but : was regretfully refused. Charles Bruner, the best known1 mining superintendent of Nevada, died at the Grand Hotel this morning, from the effects of an attack of paralysis- A report that the body of Henry i Critcher, tho missing broker, was found at the bayou of Alameda, is. incorrect. The captain of the ship S. J. Baker, from Liverpool, reports that William Baker and Thos. Leascmauuel, sailors, were washed overboard and drowned on the trip. The weather continues warm and fogny. Nothing has yet been heard ot either the Chinc-o or Australian-steamer-. Frank McCoupin L- chairman of the new Democratic County Committee. C. A. Eugltke, of tho firm of Kir-tin Kir-tin F.nzlekc, Washington market, who was shot at Alameda on Tuesday ; night by his wile's ibrmerly accepted sur.or.A. F. Paiiec. a IcoksioJi keeper ou the corner of Market and Atom- i-onr icrccti, wi t-U living this morniu, but was reported jinking, with no Lope of Lis recovery. The ibuiict is lodged in the region of the : kidneys and can't be extracted. |