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Show ! A Fearful Shooting Ci.-E.-Other I great cities have their bloody tragedies, trage-dies, and why should not our:-? We have hoard of imperfectly amh-jiitiea-Ited caes of "murd-.T done'' right here : in Utah, and we have read of the won- J . derful skill which honest and diihon-est diihon-est miners have acquired in dodging, 1 proruiseuoui bullets in other frontier ! i countriea; wo are aware that in Xe- j vada in early day?, the matutinal meal j j was shorn of half its zest if the morn- j J icg paper failed to send up its regular j j dead man; but in this piping time of j peace it is rare indeed that our in das- j 1 trious reporters are treated to a genu-jine genu-jine horror such as it is now our sad duty to chronicle: j j The morning of yesterday, the last , day of August, dawned delightfully upon the spot which somebody has very felicitiously termed "the valleys of the mountains." There was nothing noth-ing on the surface of things to indicate that"man'6 inhumanity to man "would shortly convulse a peaceful community. commu-nity. At precisely four minutes past eleven a.m. the discharge of a pistol, near the store of one of our advertisers on Main street, "startled the isle from its propriety." With one accord our nimble nim-ble reporters rushed forth to take phonographic notes of the Great Event. Tho first to reach the spot sadly exclaimed "Somebody's Done-for'tl" Done-for'tl" "What boots it," responded another. "If they must shoe-t, this is the very place," remarked a third. The crowd surged and swayed, aud all seemed intently gazing upon gome minute min-ute object on the ground. A bloody corpse, no doubt! How can man thus imbue his hands in tho blood of his fellow man? While these thoughts were flashing through the miuds of our eminent writers, a fat man rushed out of the crowd and exclaimed: "Its a little boot-black! don't be too hard on hini! .fired tho pistol! Here it is." And he handed a small, single-barrelled single-barrelled pistol to the stalwart officer, "loi fired it?" exclaimed No. 1,133; "Then you will report yourself at the City Hall at once." "No," nervously replied the excited fat man, "I don't want to appear at tho City Hall," "But y:m must" responded the ath- letic guardian of tho entire piece. "You have violated the law and must answer for it." So the man of flesh ! promised to draw a bee line for the palatial halls of the learned Doctor of Police Laws, while No. 1,133 picked up his diminutive diminu-tive trophy, blacking box and all, and marched gallantly off to headquarters, followed by three other interested and sympathizing members of that useful profession which "shines for all," price ten cents. The Judge weighed the testimony in the case, and thou with his usual urbanity, told tho black boy the boot-black boy to go, and sin, and shoot no moro. And the gentle youth went fourth his three infinitos-s'mal infinitos-s'mal friends of the polishing persuasion persua-sion preceding him, and instantly the voices of the happy quartette went up in grateful unison, osclaiming, "Shine 'em up? Only ten cents!" |