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Show THE FALL ELECTIONS. Several important State elcctiuii.- occur oc-cur in tho immwliaie future-so important, im-portant, in iiici, that the shadow oi the atl-aUorbiuK event which tiiLc llacc in will bo somewhat visibly cast before. Pennsylvania, is the "Keystone "Key-stone State." As it koc-4, so oe.i tin; Presidency, lias cuuie to ha accepted asunaphori-m. Not that it lias the population or iho cUtora! votes ot New York; but its election. wc always bo el.se that whichever way it may o local kMieH thrown out is sun: to represent the htatas ol the ltv;U belt of States li'im; betwocn it ami the rcat went. This fall it electa a Leg-kiurc, Leg-kiurc, Supreme Jude, Attorney-General Attorney-General nud other minor nlh.-cr.-: mid tl. Democrat were never more hurc oi a i un , Mistaiucd in their opinion by the lact that in 'ti'j (leary, Republican, carried the Stale by only 4,00) majority; Democratic disturbance and misun-d.jrstandtn's misun-d.jrstandtn's lost the city of I'hil-. adeiphia to the Democrats by more than ciiou-h to have oft'-sct Orary'fl majority, had they united, an i'liila-dclpbia i'liila-dclpbia Lswell kuown to bo a Democratic Demo-cratic city. This lall, it is said, tho Pennsylvania Deinoorats are uoited to a man, have accepted tho "departure" in the best of faith, and are going in to win. The other important elections occur iu California, Texas, Maine, Massachusetts, Massachu-setts, New Jersey, Now York, Maryland, Mary-land, Minnesota and Wisconsin, being mainly for Governor and Legislatures. These may bo sot down thus: Democratic Demo-cratic -Texas, New Jersey, New York and Maryland; Republican Maino, Massachusetts and Minnesota; Jhvbt-('California Jhvbt-('California and Wisconsin. Tho Territory of Wyoming opens tho ball on Tuesday nost, votins lor members mem-bers of tho Legislature. California follows on Wednesday, elootiuc; a Governor, Gov-ernor, Legislature and throo Members of Congress. Tho chances thero appear ap-pear to bo about oven, and nioro interest inter-est is manifested in this election than in any of tho others. |