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Show Tub Meteoric Tueout. Where ! and how human life received its lirst start is what bothors tho savants, j Darwiu has got tho progenitor of man- kind traced back to a monkey, and then, lower still, to a molhiak; but whero did the mollusk como from? Having shelved the Bible and its account ac-count of tho origin of man, the hunt & continued in other directions; and now a learned professor settles tho matter by advancing the meteoric theory. That is: As meteors often full to the earth, and some of them may carry germs of life with them ; and as, if a portion of this earth wore broken oft and hurled into space, and subsequent ly fell upon some other planet, it might bear lite from this in the shape of some accd or other; so the probability is that a meteor fell on this earth at some time, having a germ of lite probably only a fungus; and this of course, on the progressive plan, eventually reached reach-ed animal life as a mollusk, by and by became a monkey, aud after a lew thouauds or millions of years more developed into a full-blown savage man, tho parent of tho present raco. Nice, isn't it, to lis up little matters of this kind so satisfactorily, aud tell us all where we canio from ! But why don't they go back a littlo farther and inform us whoro that "germ-life" lir.'t started in business? And whilo at it they might settle the trifling disputo as to whether the lirst egg was before the tirst chicken, or vice versa. It's a a great world, this; and great is scientific humbug ! |