Show Ceremony at St. St Marks Mark's to Unite Couple Miss ss Margaret Lambourne to Become Bride of Bruce D. D Grimes A smart wedding of the month wilbe will wil willbe willi willibe be solemnized at St. St Marks Mark's cathedral cathedra Thursday evening when Miss Margaret Marga Marga- a. a ret Lambourne daughter of Mr and Mrs George W. W Lambourne will become become become be be- come the bride of Bruce D. D Grimes o of Washington D. D C. C A reception will wil follow the ceremony at the Lambourne Lam bourne home on Military Wa Way Man Many social affairs have been given and are arc planned for Miss Ruby Glauser Glauser Glau Glau- ser whose marriage to T. T Collins Collin Jackson will take place June 21 in the he Salt Lake City L. L D. D S. S temple Miss Katherine Price will entertain a aa at ata a dinner Thursday evening in her honor lonor and she will vill be the motif o oa of ofa a similar affair aClair Frida Friday evening to be presided resided o over oer er by Miss Lucille Sheffield Sheffield field at her home on Twenty first South street Miss Margaret Parson will vill give a abridge abridge bridge luncheon Saturday at her home lome on Bryan avenue assisted b bj by her mother Mrs C. C T. T S S Parsons for forthe forthe the he bride Sunday members o of the he S. S S S. S club of which she is a member memer mem memo ber er will entertain at a dinner a at Pinecrest in her honor A dozen guests have been bidden Tuesday evening a delightful handkerchief handkerchief handkerchief hand hand- kerchief shower was given in honor honorof of the popular bride b by Miss Jane Kesler The small tables where supper supper sup sup- per was served were attractively decorated with garden flowers and md the hostess was assisted b by her mother moth moth- er Mrs A. A B. B Kesler Attending be b guest of honor were Miss Lucille icille Sheffield Miss Arbor Leigh Miss Fay Bin Bingham ham Miss Helen Glauser Glau Glau- ser Miss Katherine Price Miss Jeanne Morris Miss Mary Rogers Miss Jane Van Ness Miss Valois Davis Davis Da Da- Davis vis Miss Caroline Palmer Miss Marcelia Marcella Mar Mar- cella celia Miss Margaret Parsons Parsons Par Par- sons Miss Carmen Carmeil Morten Miss liss Laura ura Block and Miss Madeline Blackburn John F. F Critchlow auxiliary to the United Spanish War Veterans will meet Friday at 8 p. p m. m at the armory Plans will wiIl be made for the conven convention on to be held next Saturday Saturday Satur- Satur day ay and Sunday and all members are arc re urged to attend I Woodbine circle No 41 Thimble club will wiIl meet In Neighbors of Woodcraft Woodcraft Wood Wood- craft No rooms Friday at 2 p. p m. m Royal Neighbors of America No will give a party Friday at 2 p. p m. m at the Moose hall |