Show MINE EXCHANGE KEEPS STRONG Chief Consolidated Advances f I to 2 1 Eureka Standard Standard Standard Stand Stand- o ard Brings 1 1 Price improvements improvement continued durIng during dur duro ing Thursdays Thursday's trading on the te Salt Sal Lake Exchange In the Chief Consolidated continued its it advance and went to toa toa toa a close cloe at 1024 after a n strong openIng open open- Ing Ig at 1 and after the te accumulation of 1400 shares share Eureka Standard was strong trong and sold at 1 with wil odd od lots lot bringing and One thousand shares o of Eureka Bullion Bullion Bul Bul- lion sold at 18 cents cent N North rt Lily Liy sold soldat soldat soldat at 58 cents cent shares share going at this Park City Consolidated continued its it advance and ad shares share sold at 30 cents cent One hundred shares share of Park Utah traded at Three hundred shares of or Horn Sil SilVer Silver Sio ver went at 40 cents 1000 shares of Moscow l at 8 cents cent 25 2 shares shares- share of Walker Walkr Walk Walk- Wak er r Mining at 82 cents cent and 1000 10 shares share 9 of Park Premier at 5 53 cents cent |