Show B. B P. P P W W. TO OPEN REGIONAL MEET Delegates From Clubs in West Will Convene at Yellowstone Delegates from clubs In 12 western west west- em ern states will vill attend the regional conference of ot the west central and western vestern divisions of the National Federation Fed Fed- of B siness and Professional Women's clubs it was announced on Wednesday by Miss Elizabeth L. L Crawford of or Salt Lake City general western region chairman The convention will open Monday at the Canyon hotel Yellowstone park Preparations have been made for tor or more than Conference speakers representing the hc national organization will include Miss Emily R R. R Kneubuhl New York City executive e secretary Miss Charl CharI D. D Williams Washington D. D C C. first I Ivice vice pr president Miss l Frances Cummings Cum Cum- I director of education New NewYork NewYork NewYork York City Dr Florence May Morse Los Angeles second vice president The theme of or the conference is New Patterns for Women in the New Deal Miss l Kneubuhl will deliver the keynote keynote key key- note speech on New Leadership Miss ML s Crawford with other delegates from Utah will leave Salt Lake City at 1130 p p. p m. m Saturday joining a group from Los Angeles and San francisco The Idaho delegation will join the caravan m at Pocatello Conference Conference Conference Confer Confer- ence registration will open Sunday morning with the first meeting pl planned for Monday morning Included in in the Utah group in addition addition ad ad- to Miss Crawford will be the following Miss Virginia Dickerson treasurer of the western region Miss Alice Pedersen Provo past president of the Utah federation and recording secretary of the conference Mrs Maud Vlaud N. N Leaver Salt Lake City actIng actIng actIng act- act Ing 1 chairman Miss Lula Clegg Heber City Utah state stale president president president dent Miss Hazel Peterson president Salt Lake City club Mrs Blanche C. C Pittman Miss Violet Nielsen and Miss Larue Theurer Logan Mrs Elizabeth P. P Knowlton Miss Virginia and Miss Ellen W. W Abbott Salt Lake City |