Show BODELL FAMILY HOLDS REUNION J AT HERRIMAN HERRIMAN Nearly HERRIMAN-Nearly Nearly descendants descendants descendants descend descend- ants of Joseph and Emma Jane Farmer Farm Farm- er Bodell met in a family reunion Tuesday at Herriman amusement hall hail Five children of Mr and Mrs Joseph Joseph Joseph Jo Jo- seph Bodell were in attendance Joseph Joseph Joseph Jo Jo- seph S. S H. H John T. T Bodell Mrs Emma Jane B. B Freeman and Mrs Fannie B. B Crump of Herriman Herniman and Mrs Elizabeth B. B Densley of Riverton William A. A Bodell of DIngham Dingham DIng DIng- ham was unable to attend Officers of the organization are arc Bodell president Milton Bo Bo- deli detI first vice vicc president Henry Bodell Bo Be- dell deli second vice president Mrs Hazel Ha ad zel Crane Freeman secretary and treasurer Honorary officers of the organization arc are Joseph S. S H H. Bodell president John T. T Bodell and William William Wil Wil- liam A. A Bodell first and second vice presidents I |