Show I FOREIGN NEWS I SPAIN IS TROUBLED AS STRIKES SPREAD State of Catalonia Opens Secession Secession Secession Se Se- cession Move MADRID June 14 f A P A spreading spreading spread spread- ing general construction strike added lidded today to the serious situation faced laced by the Spanish government as it a movement for lor secession in the state of ot Catalonia I I A strike declared at Asturias was reported to be growing Authorities at Seville ordered the I citizenry to refrain from going to terraces or roofs of at houses as socialists socialists social social- and communists threatened a general revolutionary strike They explained soldiers might be bo forced to 0 answer the attack from Irom house house- tops A detachment of ot civil guards from other cities arrived at Seville as a precautionary me measure ure Trouble was reported brewing at Valencia Barcelona was seething with crowds which welcomed Catalonian and Basque deputies from Madrid following their withdrawal from congress con can gress |