Show HT STARTED ON IN N AUTO RATES Expert rt for Utah and Idaho Interests Appears Before Before Before Be Be- Be- Be I. I fore I. I C. C C. C I gal al W. W of Salt SaIt Lake City representing Utah and expert pert i Kte te h b interests began his argument Wednesday before the interstate com corn commission against granting peace t e of transcontinental railI rail rail- I ids i to carry automobiles from But tN N Y and points west to DC DC- roll California ports at nt rates low lowr lU r an are in effect cUed to points In Utah nd nT id Idaho according to word re re- here Mr air is representing the utilities commissions of both utts tates the Utah Citizens Citizens' Rate asso- asso i n and the Utah Retail Dealers' Dealers He Be pointed out that if Jl the minimum ate proposed by the I. I C. C C exam exam- nei Iter I should would be e approved the inter inter- region would be forced to uj automobiles in cither either San cO or Los Angeles and the acal trade would be ruined The Theof of took the case under ad ad- Word that pending bills bilIs looking to 1 codification or repeal of the fourth action of the interstate commerce ct relating to the long and short auls are dead or about to die was from Ernest D D. Salm secre secre- iry of the Utah Citizens Citizens' Rate assertion asso asse who also is in Washington in with the case r |