Show NEW JUNIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS FETED AT A T CHARMING LUNCHEON I rs Charles C. C Freed Is Toastmistress at Smart Stuart Affair I br g Held at Country Club New Officers of oft V irl-V t Organization Assume Duties S By EDITH l JUNES hINES The annual Junior League luncheon honoring provisional members member who 1 have recently r bc become o ic Junior Leaguers was held Thursday at th the Country club The tables t. w were rc gay with summer flowers Mrs Charles C. C Freed was vas the to toastmistress u Seventy members of the League ague at at- at tended The new League members arc are Mrs F F. F Carsten Dahnken Mrs Samuel J J. J Carter Mrs William M Armstrong Mrs 1 Allen M. M Lipman Miss Betty Allison Allison Al Al- lison ison Miss Aurelia Aurclia Hampton Miss Eleanor Lowe Miss Mary N her Miss Katherine Kalherine Nutter and Miss Eleanor Watts New Lea League ue officers assumed their duties at nt the luncheon They are Mrs Stewart Cosgriff president Mrs Gleed Miller vice president Mrs George E. E Giles recording secretary Miss Hildegarde Thompson corresponding corre secretary Mrs M. M C. C Lindem Lindem Lin Lin- dem treasurer Mrs Harold assistant treasurer Mrs A. A H. H Means I placement director Mrs Blake Thomas Thom Thom- as welfare are chairman Mrs J. J M. M Wailace Wai Wal lace arts and interests chairman Several town out tennis players will ill enter the Junior League tennis tournament at the Forest Dale Golf Gall club June 24 18 including Walcott Bishop Thompson Cambridge Mass Edwin Chapman New York and Robert Robert Robrt Rob Rob- ert rt Woodward Prosser recently graduated graduated grad grad- from irom Yale who is arriving in Salt Lake City to reside Ross Sutton is to be manager and Dr W W. D. D Donoher is coming here from L Los s Angeles for the tournament A Ate Atea Atea te tea dance will follow the finals Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day afternoon |