Show PICTURE BEER AS HARBINGER PROSPERITY OF Backers of Br Brew w Bill Say It It- Would Help Business and Treasury c S 8 Br Dy Fre lr nJ W WASHINGTON Dec 7 Witnesses for brewers depleted d bee beer as a bringer of good tidings for lor b business 1 1 5 and d the federal treasury in theop the I ng of testimony before the hous Ys and means committee t today day Collier bill cr i- i o Advocating g a brew bre of 4 per cent alcohol by volume volume- Levi Levi- Cooke Of of Washington and R. R A. A Huber Hither of St St. StLouis Lo Louis Louis on is-on on behalf of the United the United States Brewers' Brewers association estImated association estimated a 5 a b barrel tax would enrich the treasury treas tress ury by a year Addressing the powerful committee but timing now pw and d. d then tc to to- the audience Huber said the said the beer he supported supported supported sup sup- ported could be sold for lor 9 cents a bottle and that its legalization would cause to tobe to be spent to tore rehabilitate re re- habilitate br breweries and men would be given work With the present nt brewing capacity In the country tt t barrels annually he said a barrel barreI cap capacity would be needed before long Iong BETTER PRODUCT S Following Cookes Cooke's testimony that that U 1 e percent cent beer beer by v weight pro v d in the bill placed before the committee by Chairman Collier was wiS insufficient in alcoholic content Huber said salda saida a 32 P per cent pi cent beer was wUa a better product t. t Jh The cr would w be 4 per cent cent cent-by by volume Huber said Bid millions militias would have to be for materials materials mate mate- rials dais such as barley barley- ri rice e. e sugar syrup and md beer ingredients ingredients' for production in the plants In addition to the men estimated would be given employment em era- Huber said many other workers including coal coat miners and nd railroad would be given increased increased in in- creased employment The Thc 5 a barrel tax barrel tax proposed In the Collier bill was reasonable Huber said if it states states and and cities did not place an additional tax on it so that it would become so costly it could not nol be purchased purchased pur pur- chased bv by laborers Asked by by Representative Crowther R. R N. N Y if by legalizing beer bootle bootlegging boot boot- le legging ing would be eliminated Huber Huber- said I believe it wont won't except to the degree of ot consumption other sorts of ot liquors are reduced by those drinking beer ONLY MIRACLE l I 1 dont don't think anything but a miracle would stop bootlegging until all sorts of ot liquors are legalized We dont don't claim beer is as a panacea panacea Its It's not going to solve the bootleg problem and it is is' not going to solve the unemployment problem and it is js not not- going coing to solve the farm lanai relief problem but it will minimize them theta to some degree PRINCETON N. N J. J Dec Dee 7 JP- JP Continued on Pare Pace Two Twos 5 PICTURE BEER AS HARBINGER OF PROSPERITY Continued From Pace Pare One Immediate passage of ot a beer bill to ta relieve unemployment and to provide provid revenue for the national treasury was urged today for the first time by th the Women's Organization tion for National Prohibition Reform After a long debate the associations association executive committee which has au authority au au- to act for the association be tween annual conventions adopted unanimously a resolution reaffirming the associations association's stand for unequivocal cal repeal of the eighteenth amend amend- mente but Indorsing a beer heer bill pendIng pend Ing lag repeal action by congress |