Show FEMININE STAR PLANS TO SEEK I REINSTATEMENT Circumstantial Evidence Declared Declared De Do- dared Cause of Wrongful Wrong Wrong- ful Conviction DALLAS Texas Dec 7 Mil JP-Mil- Mil dred Babe Didrikson one o of the worlds world's greatest feminine athletes Isso Isso is isso so eager cager to play amateur basketball this winter she has demanded an Immediate immediate immediate im Im- im- im mediate investigation of her disqualification by the Amateur Athletic union And at the same time she expressed her desire to lead as the elected cap cap- tain thin a team called the Golden Cyclones Cy clones and sponsored by the insurance insurance ance company for which she works the year old Olympic games star reiterated her denial that she authorized au au- au use of her name or picture in ina a motorcar advertisement Insurance company officials have announced they will aid Miss Didrikson's Didrik- Didrik sons son's fight for reinstatement but it appeared likely she would not play playon on the basketball team until the matter matter mat mat- ter was cleared up INVESTIGATION STARTED Lawrence Di Dl Benedetto chairman of the Southern Amateur Athletic union at New Orleans said he had hac started an investigation At Chicago J. J Lyman Bingham assistant to Avery Brundage president of the A A. A. A U. U said Miss DIdrikson's case rested rest rest- ed cd now with the district committee Miss DidrIkson said she felt she had been wrongfully convicted on cIrcumstantial circumstantial cir cIr- evidence She said she never had seen the testimonial for the automobile until It appeared in print She admitted that several weeks ago sh she posed standing beside an automobile of the make advertised but said she had told the Dallas agent agen of the company the picture could no not be used until she turned professional l If ever JACOBY UNDER FIRE The name of W. W Foster Jacoby o of Dallas director of city parks am and secretary of at the Texas A. A A. A U. U was brought into the case when Miss Did n said he had asked her to sign an indorsement of an automobile promising her that it would not affect her amateur standing She stated she refused to sign and told Jacoby the use of her name in that connection would be against her Wishes Miss also said Jacoby had urged her to turn professIonal soon after she returned from the 1932 Olympics at Los Angeles Jacoby could not be reached for a statement I |