Show SCIENCE NEWS N H Lighting facilities exceeding anything ever used in a theatrical enterprise will be installed In inthe the International Music Hall Ball part of the Rockefeller Center In Inthis this hall hail which will v seat seat- persons there will be lighting circuits circuits more than twice as many as there are In the Chicago Civic Opera house which at present has the record number of circuits circuit The average theater has about 50 circuits and and tho tho average motion picture house has considerably consider consider- ably less By mea means s. s of f special equipment designed by General Electric engineers all of the thO stage and auditorium will be controlled by a a. lighting light ing director from a small pit in front of the orches tra Control of all aU lighting effects including changes of color variation in intensity etc will be b at atthe the I finger tips of this man The lighting lighting control control pit in inthe inthe I the auditorium will be approximately 16 f feet t long six feet wide and six feet deep It will be covered I by a hood making the occupants invisible to to the I audience The lighting director operate a alIght light lightIng Ing control board of the console type while his assistant assis I tant by means of nearly 2000 knobs will be presetting pre setting lights for at least four scenes in advance The control board will also nermit the introduction In lit any of these scenes of supplementary effects such as sunsets or fire effects This will allow at least ten lI lighting changes without resetting any any of ot the circuits I a S I The mystery of at the secre secret passages at Monte U Alban thickens The Mexican archaeologists who are burrowing their way into the unde underground und constructions of this old top mountain-top city have shave shaveS S discovered a complicated system of branching tun tun- tun- tun nels The archaeologists had thought Monte Albans Alban s subway system was on a small enough scale when they squeezed and pushed their way along dark I constricted passages But this new tunnel system has them stumped It is 15 simply too tiny for human beings to get inside it at all Why such a network I of tiny passages was built bunt is la a a hard problem to explain To Tomake make the problem harder some of the tunnels the ire blind leading nowhere The tunnels i 1 have added interest because of their nearness nearness' to th the famous Treasure Tomb Number Seven Beven found last January The tunnels honeycomb a mound on the eastern edge of the tomb On the western edge of the same tomb tho archaeologists are exploring another mound and have added a fourth skeleton to those previously found In Inthis this mound are many idols and pottery of various cultural types |