Show An Amusements Arnus nie Farrell Farrel Picture Scores At Atthe the Capitol Janet Jaet Gaynor and ad Charles Farrell Farrel come through with another refreshing romance in Tess of ot the Storm Country Country Country Coun Coun- try now being presented at the CapitoL Capitol Cap Cap- itol itol The perfectly teamed stars have an unbeaten record for pleasing the public fancy fanc and the current picture with wih its ic wealth of or tender romance dramatic suspense and delicious hu humor humor hu- hu mor should take a distinctive place at the head hed of their past pat successes Tess of the Storm Country concerns concerns con con- cerns the romance between a sea caplain's captains captain's captin's cap cap- tain's lains tins tin's wistful daughter and the son of her sworn enem enemy Millionaire Carfield Garfield Garfield Gar Gar- field Claude Tess is i immensely proud of ot the old skipper skipper her father who has given up the sea that she may live lve the life le of ot a normal normal nor nor- mal mat girl gil on shore Du Dudley ley Digges makes the captain a virile virie believable person Driven to desperation by the persecution persecution perse perse- cution cuton of the millionaire who forces the poor into ito a squatters squatters' village the captain captin takes to illegal net fishing to earn a living On their first expedition Tess Te saves the life le of young oun Garfield Garield Charles Carles Farrell Farrel and andi andin andin in i spite of herself is I forced to admit that he is not responsible for his fathers father's villainy There is more than one memorable clash between Tess Tes and the thc crusty old tyrant The story is zestful and ad adm m meaty aty June Jue Clyde George Meeker Matty Maty Kemp and DeWitt Jennings Jenning complete the cast Babes in the Wood a cartoon done in color by Walt Disney is an interesting feature on the supporting bill bi A tuneful Vincent Lopez band act a Screen Souvenir and Paramount sound news round out the program |