Show I I r MAD DOG TERRORIZES S S. S L l. l PEDESTRIANS A mad dog terrorized pedestrians on South Main street Wednesday morn morning ng Frothing at the mouth and growling growl growl- ing fiercely the dog raged back and forth orth in the center of ot the Sixth South and Main streets intersection and sent passers-by passers scurrying behind lent ent doors Luckily no one was bit ten ten tenNo No o one seemed to know where the dog came from before it appeared suddenly in the center of th the street police report Pedestrian traffic was blocked for tor twenty minutes before someone thought to call caU police The patrol ol wagon arrived a few minutes later and Patrolman Mark Kartchner maneuvered the machine until the little dog was standing on the side opposite the driver r so that Officer Mike Con Conyers ers could stay within the safety of the automobile while he shot the suffering animal Dr L L. E. E Viko city health commis said that such a case was very unusual in the weather Salt Lake is experiencing I |