Show Quick Q U Ie k ft f 1 ift i j S i l- l t- t r. r I fJ 5 i t r Watson W a t so n j 1 1 It doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes Holm 1 to find the secret to the QUICK j STARTING qualities of Hal Hi Hi- Octane Gasoline Hal g gas S is made for instant ac action ac- ac j tion tion winter winter or summer Fill up 1 I I with Hal Step on the gas I one of these cold mornings and notice the difference It actually costs less j I INo No wonder our busi business ness h has a 8 increased 1 5 0 more c than 1000 0 in ill inthe the past year j HAL STATIONS 1640 1640 Beck St St. On Ogden Way Hi-Way Open All AU Au Nite So and th E East BuSt st st. 3rd So and W Temple TempleS S 1 Eureka Delta Nephi Fillmore I 5 Bearer Beuer Cedar City 1 Modena and Washington Utah I II I |