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Show '0tf Vaqe Two, THE Second Section Pt - 3 JI - BllPfS E POR December Thursday, NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- ifa KMI1 WHOLE. -- I ltVi IV III I III 1" "I I IV 'WiT f II Vl'ir J MODEBNAGE ELECTRIC COMPANY New lli'i . . iifEJ . I Hi H I EX rat t I I I I ( WLn 334 NORTH MAIM PHONE 128 W Dkovery Stirs Old Mining District i SEASON'S I GREETINGS NEPHI LUMBER wishes you ROBERTSON inJSjp jjj I 'J. i Wishing you all the things that hold a true meaning of Christmas . . friends, contentment, peace of mind. May the spirit of Christmas dwell in your home nd throughout the coming New Year t.?, jgffl I J.T'.H-:-- . J v HOLIDAY GREETINGS Modern Steam Heating We wish to supply the Home Builder with a J. E. Robertson Complete line of materials T TRI STATE LUMBER COMPANY plJiL - LODGE . p Manager i Looking no.il. .raid at Mt. Superior at Alta, and mountains in foreground, where base metals are again bring mined. A once active mining district and snows attracted the best in may languish into a ghost town, "slick slide artists" in this rapid but it never dies in the breast of growing s;ort. It became a recreational area of world renown man. There is rlways an who clings to the hope th:it it will and new road were built into the relive its former days and there is district. Recently renewed interest has always another young engineer who works out a new geological been taken in Altas mining possibilities. A new ore body has been theory for the district. Alta, where thousands of skiiers discovered near the line of the go each winter to slide down its famous old Cardiff and Columbus steep slopes, was Utah's first min- "Rexall properties. From this ore ing district and for years one of body, twenty shipments of ore have the most active. Some credit the n! ready been made, ore of a grade area with a production record of rareinicent of the boom days of $37,000,000,virtually all of which A I la. The ore was found by tha S3cnd found its ways into the early buildgeneration of a I'ioneer Alta mining of Utah. During the early days Alta sup- ing family. Thew "knew" the ore ported a community of 2500 per- was there a:.J after driving afccjjt sons, and its main street supported 10 feet of new tunnel, struck the four saloons. Alta bore all the ro- pay dirt. It had been missed by mance and lore of any early day just 10- feet, an ore body the type mining camp. But, after the rich, of which some work all their lives near the surface deposits had been to f'md. Not only in Alta, but in other mined, Alta slipped. Its buildings disappeared and its mining districts throughout Utah, All railroad was dismantled. that more prospecting and development remained as a reminder of its are needed. The incentive to ta!ce glorious past was the scars of the the risk in mining must be restored mine dumps on its precipitous and this can be done by hanging slopes. up adequate reward for those who Then came skiing and Alta slopes take this risk. old-tim- I i "I . MERRY JM;CHR!STMAS rNEST I. WILSON Hides - Wool - Grain - Seeds 'n lit S MA' Curlee Suits 8C Topcoats Freeman Dress Shoes Portis Hats Wembley Ties Allen-Sox House Slippers Dress Gloves Shirts and Ties Leather Jackets Sport Coats Pendleton Wool Shirts and Louging Robes A I 294 West Center, Nephi Phone 17 GIFTS MEN APPRECIATE ARE GIFTS TO WEAR SEASON'S GREETINGS HOLIDAY GREETINGS KARL HAYNES! Chrisensen Shoe Shop 7&e f BUY MEN'S GIFTS AT A MEN'S STORE SaV i""Sp k A CHRISTMAS WISH We extend to you and &L yours every good wish Lfor a joyous Christmas rnnr1 a A?WYear. 3r New hannv vprrv w.-- j ri-- j May Peace and understanding towards all mankind be our ultim- ate goal in 1949. JUA3 VALLEY FEED CO. msiipancealieaitij 51 North Main Phone 287 W TRANPORTATION FOR THE FAMILY BICYCLES $42.00 to $60.00 TRICYCLES SCOOTERS WAGONS ROLLER SKATES AND MANY O4.HER FINE GIFT ITEMS . 45 North Main mm co. Phone Lovliest Gift of All . 3 07 J T.AY.AWAYS -- ROSES on Christmas Day Delight your sweetheart with beautiful Roses from our Floral dav- Beautiful on Christmas : . . ' with of green. bouquets plenty For a Smoother Time in 49 Buy a Studebaker Car or Truck e. GIFT CERTIFICATES m hafm ISLvL V.iciK UTAH POULTRY AND FARMER'S COOP. EGGS FEED FARM SUPPLIES CHRISTMAS LOCALLY OWNED COOPERATIVE SEASONS GREETINGS J. I. CASE HOTPOINT Farm Machinery nnnrn $ ROSE SPECIAL $2. domett Appliances 20 Of AH Small Appliances Lamps Irons - Toasters - Radios - PAXMAN Implement Phone 75J 8C Appliance SANDERS RESIDENCE -- TELEPHONE 32QW c |