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Show Pag Four, Second Section THE Jlxe w mm vSmw sEii NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- .- JOHN 7 4. yr' X PONTIAC Sales and Service I 7 - ' t. SEASONS GREETINGS . 1 . . . Katharine j . Sue Winn, daughter of jampR RirharH fTrS hafgh. GraSdSLrnrTMr. and Mrs H. H. Greenhalgh and Mr. n?dM and Mr.. George E. Howard, all of HOLIDAY GREETINGS MdTSrT Mn? " awlnn Kl llri. ol m i Am . - - - ,1! S. .' ... . - 'V rh Gra"dParent k..ciu a- - Lenard L'ntn f Nephi 8nd Cleo Reed of Salt Lake City. Fly wood Outside pieces of a piece of plyFOR SALE White Emborid-ere- d wood sre called faces or face and Gift Aprons Mrs. Joel back, the center ply or plies art Taylor. called the core, and the Intervening plies are callpd th rnuhaniii Stewart's NEPHI FLOWER SHOP Phone 378W NEPHI, UTAH CHOOSE YOUR GIFTS Floyd Stewart, Florist S4 of death, the words and kindness- of friends and relatives make the parting bearable. The family of Mrs. Alice Carter es '!M x i . ! v. or I " U J v , " , i Steven Roy Howell, son of Thoral and Lucille Bowles Howell. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowles and Willis H. Howell, all of this city. I I 1 CONGRATULATIONS to the JOHN M. BROUGH rrf i Modem Individual Cottages - Heated All Is Bright We wish you a holiday full of the wonders and joy of a Xmas Carol. We sincerely thank you for your patronage of the past year and hope to merit your continued friendship. Clark Sparks Manager S&sssr , I -. r o TO ,.1 Christmas is the time of the year when people all over the world rejoice with their family and friends. May this Christmas prove to be a joyous one, and the New Year bring an abundance of good health and prosperity to all. r v Vs. Arden and Greetings RAY KELSON BEER LEWIS BEAGLEY BILLIARDS A PLACE TO ENJOY HAPPY HOURS ' 54 West Center Street CCA CHRISTMAS GIFT SPECIAL ' 25 OFF DELUXE SEAT COVERS SPOT UTES UNITY OR GUIDE CAR RADIOS TO FIT ANY CAR JUAB COUNTY Phone 437 NEPHI, UTAH AND EMPLOYEES SEASONS GREETINGS QUICK SANDWICHES GOOD COFFEE - SOFT DRINKS Real f'EBO WALKER DRIVE INN Popular Prices - - 155 So. Main Phone 433 V 1 Mm Good Xmas Candy Fresh Buttered Popcorn Brown's Ice Cream CHEVROLET CO. MERRY CHRISTMAS OFFICIALS Installation done after holidays or at recipient's request Nephi V NERO CLUB of Juab County OSTLER DAIRY Milk for Its Fine Christmas Program AN IDEAL 4 i- SEASONS GREETINGS the business firms Aft 4. of commerce to all who patronize NEPHI CAFE HOTEL MAUDE'S Nephi Junior Chamber SPARKS AUTO COURT hi SEASONS GREETINGS MERRY CHRISTMAS Season's Greetings & Blouses Dresses Slips Skirts Costume Jewelry Gowns Sweaters House Coats Mittens Handkerchiefs Nylons Anklets Scarfs Ladies and Children's Purses - ANNOUNCEMENT The Forrest Hotel Coffee Shop will close on December 17th for remodeling and repair. Watch for announcement of reopening. I "leather goods 'Jl 1743 FORREST HOTEL V J DEERE LOST Bright red (blue lined) hood frr coat Return to Mrs. WalCARD OF THANKS To those who assisted in any lace Garrett. Phone 212W. FOR SALE CHEAP 1937 way following the death of our Sedan. Good condition mother, we wish to convey our thanks and appreciation. In time Farrell Winter, Levan ?th, j . Fountain Green - f Sales and Service CARD OF THANKS We desire to take this means of expressing our thanks and appreciation for the kindnesses and sympathies of our friends and relatives following the accident and untimely death of our beloved son and brother, Wendell. Mr. and Mrs. Neils E. Mikkelson and family Dacmbj- FREE INSTALLATION with, FREE INSTALLATION with the purchase of a new Gibson El- - the purchase of new Toastmaster ectric Range Xmas Special on- - or Westinghouse Water Heater ly Modernage Eletr!e Co., tel- - Xmas Special Only Modernaee j Electric Co. ephone 128J. phone 128J. 'loung.edt generation - ) Thursday, lp ton lUiofedafe Co. Paper Specialties, Fountain Supplies Notions Phone 38 Nephi, Utah |