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Show THE Page 6, Second Section line, a concrete lined ditch or the creek" channel to the Nephi City's The following applications have power plants where it will be used E. Alton Ellertson was reelected been filed with the State Engineer for the generation of lfelectricof pow- member of the Board of Educawhich the to change or appropriate water in er after 3 sec. ft., and all wat tion of Juab School District at the State of Utah, water, up to Juab County, held in Mona on Decem-b- y sec. 3 over er ft, will be diverted election unless throughout the entire year, ber 1st. The xote expressed the and Company Nephi Irrigation otherwise designated, all locations wwiuuku ior used as a supplemental supply to, being from SLB&M. iine service ne nas given uur-in-g irrigate 11,760 acres of land em uie his term of office. braced in Eecs. 28 and 33, T12S, To Change Sees. 25, 26, 35 and 36, R1E; The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mills Farmstead Wat- T12S. R1E; Sees. 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, er Company, Nephi, Utah., has 14, T13S, R1W; Sees. 3 to 9 incl., LaMar Searle died Monday night made application to change the 17and 18, T13S, R1E. The bal- at the Payson hospital. The baby was born on Saturday. point of diversion and place of ance of the water will be used diuse of 0.175 sec. ft. of water right J D. Young received word of rectly or by exchange for municacquired by Application No. 14779. ipal purposes in Nephi City. the death of his cousin, Reuben B. from The water has been diverted Young of Salt Lake City who was 20073 a well located at a point S. 2340 Merle McPherson, fatally m. Satabout 6 ft. and E. 2600 ft from NW Cor. Nephi, Ut., 3 sec. ft. of water for urday injured when hisp. car col evening Sec. 25, T15S, R2W, and used for irrigation use from a well lided with a Union Pacific switch domestic, culinary, stockwatering bet. 100 and 200 ft. deep at a pt. engine. N. 12 ft. and E. 3990 ft. from and irrigation purposes., Mr. Young was born in Mona Hereafter, the above quantity SW. Cor. Sec. 19, T12S, R1E. The of water will be diverted from a wgater will be used from Apr. 1 to May 19, 1890 a son of Branch and well 468 ft. deep, at a point Oct. 31 to irrigate 63,556 acres of Ann Kay Young. He is survived N. 308.0 ft. and W. 2634.8 ft from land embraced in Sees. 18 and 19, by his widow, Gertrude Hansen E Cor. Sec. 25, T15S, R2W. and T11S, R1E, and for incidental do- Young, his step mother, Mrs. Mary used for the purposes above de mestic and stock watering purposJ. Hansen Young Maw of Ogden; scribed. es. two sons: Kenneth and Max N. of Salt Lake City, a Utah Water & Power 20074 Merle McPherson, Young Norma of Los Angeles; a Board, State Capitol, Salt Lake Nephi, Ut., 3 sec. ft. of water for daughter Mr. garnd daughter, made has use well and Mrs. Young, adopted by from a City, Ut., application to irrigation Sherry Lynn change the point of diversion ofi bet. 100 and 200 ft. deep at a Young of Salt Lake City, and a 20 sec. ft. of water right acquired point N. 12 ft. and E. 1319 ft. from brother, Alton Young of Layton. by diligence prior to 1903 from SW Cor. Sec. 19, T12E, R1E. The Basin Creek. The entire flow of water will be used from Apr. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Daryl H. Stanley the stream has been diverted at a Oct. 31 to irrigate 80 acres of land are the parents of a son born point N. 81'30'W. 1830 ft. from embraced in WHSWH, Sec. 19, December 1, at the Utah Valley EU Cor. Sec. 11, HIS, R17W, T12S, R1E, and for incidental hospital at Provo. Grandparents and used from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 domestic and stock watering pur- are Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fowkes of as a supplemental supply to irrig- poses. Starr and Mr. and Mrs. James R. ate 1650 acres of land embraced Stanley. the Protests resisting granting in Sec. 1, EH Sec. 2, E Sec. 11, of any o fthe foregoing applicatMr. and Mrs. Arnon Garfield N Sec. 12, Til E, R17W, SE Sec. 36, and SH Sec. 36, T10S, ions with reasons therefor, must motored to Salt Lake City on R17W, and for domestic and stock be in affidavit form with extra Monday. copy and filed with the State Enwatering purposes. Mrs. Sadie Vest and Mrs. Lila Hereafter 20 sec. ft. of water gineer, 403 State Capitol. Salt visited in Salt Lake City will be diverted from Basin Creek Lake City, 1, Utah, on or before Stanley last week. at a point N. 32033' E. 2535 ft January 29, 1949. Ed. H. Watson, from SW Cor. Sec. 9, T11S, R17W, Miss Elma Carter was a week STATE ENGINEER end and conveyed by earth canal a guest of her parents, Mr. and distance of 2277 ft. to a concrete Dates of publication: December 2, Mrs. Vern Carter. lined ditch and thence conveyed 9, 16, 23 and 30, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Orgill are a distance of 10,860 ft. where it the proud parents of a son born will be used from Jan. 1 to Dec. N Wild Deer la Kansas 31 to irrigate the above described Monday at the Payson hospital. Kansas is the one state having Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. land, and for domestic and stock no deer in the wild state. What Wm. B Steele of Goshen. watering purposes. deer it has are confined to parks Utah Water & Power Board, State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Ut., has made application to change the point of diversion of 25 sec. ft. of water right acquired by diligence prior to 1903 from Tom's Creek. The entire flow has been diverted at a point S. WOO' W. 3681 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 15, HIS, R17W, and used from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 as a supplemental supply to irrigate 1650 acres of land embraced in Sec. 1, EH Sec. colds 2, EH Eec. 11, NH Sec. 12, HIS, R17W; SEH Sec. 35; SH Sec. 36, washing T10S, R17W, and for stock watering and domestic purposes. Hereafter, 25 sec. ft. of water will be diverted from Tom's Creek ' "v at a . point. Sv 48'W E, J5QQ fid ... from NW Cor. Sec. 21, HIS, R17 Pick Free 128W and Phone Delivery up W, and conveyed by canal a distBlankets Curtains ance of 8,372 ft. to a concrete-line- d Quilts Rugs ditch and thence conveyed a distance of 10,860 ft. where it will used from Jan. 1. to Dec. 31 to irrigate the above described land and for domestic and stock watering' purposes. NOTICE TO WATER USERS ADVERTISING Thursday, BEST COALS at FOR SALE fair prices. Any amount from one half ton up. Call Dee Jarrett at 85R. Coal circulating FOR SALE Medium size. Phone 131J heater GARBETT'S Exclusive Agents for ExCelCis Products for East DECEMBER Juab County. $1.50 FOUNDASPECIALS TION CREAM, $1.00 FACE POWDER BOTH FOR $1.50 (plus federal tax.) ORDER YOUR COAL from Phone RONALD BELLISTON 282J. 1 New Model 711 FOR SALE Lamar Remington 30:06 Rifle. Paxman. J 9ijh, 948 HEW 1041 STUDEBfliCiS TBUCKS one-ha- Miscellaneous FOR SALE December Mona Local News Briefs Legal Notices CLASSIFIED NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- Streamlined style and wide-ran- vision ge 12-i- w n. v Most easily maneuvered trucks SL that ever wheeled a load SHHU) CO 12-i- n. Manure n Spreaders (tractor drawn). Implement and Appliance. 3 Case FOR SALE Pax-ma- FOR RENT 2 TWO APARTMENTS FOR RENT Phone 228. FOR RENT Mt. Nebo Motel 880 North Main. APARTMENTS Winter rates Phone 354J. witn niim " r litTf a s '''''' A ; X Advertisement GREETINGS From where I sit ... Jy Joe Marsh CITY BARBER SHOP CHRISTMAS GREETINGS X L BAKERY SEASON'S GREETINGS Yes Sir, Insomnia's ContagicL's! When Bud Swanson had trouble sleeping nights, and tried to get over it by turning up the radio full blast, he started an epidemic of insomnia all down the block! Folks finally dropped a hint to Bud that he close the windows or turn the radio a little lower. Bud did and that was the quickest cure for other folks' insomnia I've ever heard of! Not that any of us object to the radio, or swing bands, or anything else that helps another person relax of an evening. (Myself, I like JACK'S CLEANING Copyright, 1948, United States Brewers Founiition AND TAILORING SEASONS GREETINGS a glass of beer with a bit of cheese before I go to bed. I can't speak for you.) From where I sit, good neighbor-lines- s means nothing wore than simply respecting the other person's tastes and rights without forcing your own tastes or opinians down his throat. And that goes for Bud's radio,' my glass of beer, or whatever temperate pleasure you happen to enjoy. SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI 4 DON'T TAKE CHANCES with or and pneumonia. Send your to NEPHI LAUNDRY -- . BOXED A gift cherished by every fastidious man or woman. Brought fight to your door the'coq-venie- nt Fuller way. To Appropriate: 19721 V Call or Write W TUNBRIBGE Nephi - Phone 207J NephL Irrigation We have reduced prices on all LIVING ROOM SETS, BEDROOM SETS, ROOM SIZE RUGS, PLATFORM ROCKERS AND FLOOR LAMPS Co. & HOLIDAY Nephi, Nephi City Corporation, Ut,. 5 sec. ft of water for miscelwell laneous purposes from a 12-ibet. 80 and 100 ft. deep at a point N. 1200 ft. and W. 2500 ft. from SE. Cor. Sec. 28, T12S, R2E. The water will be conveyed bya pipe n. GREETINGS I A few sample items are from m3 I JUAB COUNTY MILL AND ELEVATOR RPM Gear Lubricant is co. pounded to resist bigh tetn- peratures and pressures. v. j fVeely at cold temperatures . . . ahvayi gives you smoother, faster shifting. smoother running, longer wearing, easier shifting gears For El I Now Only Living Room Set - Was - 294-91 Was - 289.95 Now Only Bedroom Set 18Q.Q5 1 Only Platform Rocker - Was - 59.95 - Now SQ.Qg 1 Only Electric Range - Was 239.95 Now l&Q.Qg 1 Was 104.95 - NOW ONLY only Radio 79.Q5 1 Table Combination Radio was 110.95 Now only 04.Q5 6 only Floor Lamps -- Former Price 19.95 - Now 1 Cutt wear, expenses, by kcen- ing a tough pressure rr' r' ; oil film on gears. .N -- THE GIFT FOR BETTER LIVING . . . CULLIGAN SOFT WATER SERVICE I I I of We Have Just Received Two Full Rolls of Broadloom Carpet or service. I i AC MANY OTHER OUTSTANDING VALUES It'll make the whole family happy to have clear, filtered soft water always on tap. And SHE will thank you ell through the year for on soap, that saves time and this service that saves up to 70 work in laundry, kitchen and bath. And toft water help protect the family from bacterial infections! There's no equipment to buy, the CuHigan way. Phone us today, for this gift no work to do GEAR CULJLICSAfU California Product 5 A I D. C BOSWELL Monthly Payments SERVICE 6th North Main St. Telephone 83 PHONE I28J 384 NORTH MAIN May Be Arranged 1 STREET e t eeee e e |