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Show December 9th, Thuryjay, THE 1943 SEASONS GREETINGS UWANA DRIVE INN TtttttttHMMI,tttltlM,HUUiMiMMMMtttrl 1 N&PHI. TIMES-NEW- UlAH Mona News Hitler's Car Finds That Happenings Are Peculiar People CHICAGO. The man who Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynn and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Molyneaux spent three days visiting in smui Lake City. Mrs. Hilda Newton has returned hnmo after snendinsr a week in Salt Lake iCty as a guest of her son in law and daughter, Mr. ana Mrs. Vaughn Summers. ! Buyier of Second Section Page 5 Mona News Miss Marilyn Brunson of Fillmore who recently returned from bo'iuht a mission to the Hawaiian Islands Adolf Hitler's automobile says it viited with old friends at the has taught him that people are pe- Mona school on Wednesday. Miss Brun-.culiar. was a former teacher in Christopher Janus, who got the Mona. armored Menkes special Mrs. Viola Lynn entertained the from the Swedish government, is members of her club on Friday amazed. Janus, president of an export im- evening. The time was spent in after which a chicken port firm, says that because of the quilting publicity he got, people he never dinner was served to the foUowing: heard of are still sending him pres- Almina Kay, Alice Young, Ruth ents. Garfield, Mabel Kay, Norma Kay, "The one that mystifies me mo". I Geneva Molyneaux, Rhoda Newof a dozen he Is the gift girdles," ell, Helen Newell and the hostess, said. Viola Lynn. The car has given him "ples-tLeo and Edna Conk of Spring-vill- e of headaches." he observed, hi't it were dinner guests of Mr. also has given him "a bit of ins sht into the public mind which is rjuite and Mrs. Oscar Newton on Thanksgiving. Later in the day Mr. and amazing." While the car was on exhibit ioi Mrs. Archie Kay and Mr. and the air force recruiting program ir. Mrs. Randall Kendall of Provo New York's Time Square, Ja;.us also visited at the Newton home. said a man approached h.in. "He told me he had just he.i.v about the exhibit on the radio Syracuse and flew down that n;u:si ing just to have a look at U.e c.i.' Janus said "When 1 asked him why, he s:iid that since he couldn t see Wilier and since he had dropped a coii,.' of bombs on Berlin, he would hi. to see his car." Janus said Chicago's Lincnlt Park zoo has asked him for one nt the original tires as a piavUiim: the zoo's famous gorilla. Busbm-- i, "It seems the tires are big enomn for him to swing on and ton-- ,! enough to stretch to give him pk ercise," Janus said. In addition to the psychiatric who wanted to psychoanalyze J i us, there was the man who wuntr to psychoanalyze the car. "This psychiatrist says that tipsy choanalyzing the car he coul reconstruct the character of H.t ler," Janus recalled. A Gcnllemans Whiskey-fro- Bi-n- z m - 'fvVOl m Kentucky c: r-- U.i. NATIONAL ni PROO? 8 6 r? le-r- n f-- ..!:-- i ': r. -- h 'i : L- v ? - ft '"l VVF., NEW YORK . V. .. T '" SPIRITS L . r CHECK THESE TOY VALUES AND BILL THOSE ON OUR BIG TRUCKS Advertising Stunt Man Finds People Are Hcnest SPROUSE REITZ COMPANY AND ALL EMPLOYEES WISH YOU THE MERIEST CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ST. LOUIS. Albert Poll, ad vertising stunt man, ha 3 con eluded that people are more honest than he thought. Poll toured St. Louis streets for four days with a wheelbarrow full of money, $110, which was supposed to represent "savings" made by buying at a certain food store. He purposely left it unguarded at times to see if any passerby would dip into it but nobody did. "I expected to have at least half of it stolen, just for good will's sake," Poll explained. Uses of Pitchblerde Pitchblende Ions has teen used as a source of coloring for pottery. useful It also yields for photography, medicinal purposes, fluorescent glass making, and the makine of lurVno is oaint. 1.39 -- WAGONS Tricycles 4-PA- GE - at low Gun and Holster and up 7.49 as -- Roller Skates 9 75 - 98c 1.19 pair Complete Assortment of JigSaw Puzzles - 39c Complete Assortment of Color Books and CutOut - - 29c each Bubble Light Sets - 3.59 Bubble Lights - 15c OTHERS - COME IN Doll Books AND SEE THEM MANY NOW BEFORE STOCKS ARE SOLD OUT r IE Seasons Greetings from tilJinn finip Jll) J BAILEY MOTOR LODGE Strictly Modern LfUU Visit the New As the Spirit of Christmas unfolds itself over the countryside, PREMIUM OIL CO. we add our greetings and best wishes of the season. iiiih V..., Your Gasoline Friend in Marvin Anderson BLACK'S i . ii .if Liu Christmas of joy and contentment; of peace, good cheer and happiness that is our wish for you and yours this Yuletidti season. b. Jlovous 4 f k1 7 73 8 A. - .h- ART SHOP i -- m'. ! tars .. m. . Ii . LIVING ROOM SIGNS A .o f Manager minV!fi''.W.v )n Ji;.::...T. ,. 1 Spray Gun Painting SETS 7J v aiucs iruiii 140.00 Up SEASON'S GREETINGS Mobil Products IjValues from Jjfi MM 5 I'll 12500 L. P. Bottled Gas Gas Appliances THEEOMD NEPHI DIVISION MPANY NEBO GAS SERVICE South Main Street Phone 171W NEPHI r FURNITURE f I if i; ' . COMPANY 1st South and Main NcphiUtah -- HiJ |