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Show ' tfu. VxiznJLif City the, "DxicndLtf "eNtph, at tU at tki of Vital" of lume 39 Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, December 9th, Vital" 1948 Number 50 Eagle Boy Scout Award Presented At Court of Honor Held Monday Evening A Juab District Court of Honor was held in the Juab high school auditorium Monday evening with District Chairman Ray Gadd in charge. City Santa Claus To Visit Nephi Saturday to Start Jaycees Glorious Christmas Activity The Jaycee Christmas activity program will commence on Saturday, December 11th and will carry over until Christmas, it has been announced by Roy W. Hanson The program included: Presenpresident of the organization and tation of the colors and pledge of Miles A. Anderson, committee Allegiance to the flag led by memchairman. It is hoped that all of bers of troop 134; an impressive the people of the community will candle light ceremony was also in Recent of in the Christmas fes134. Two participate property purchase MONA Troop servxices Funeral by presented motion pictures, entiled "Realm of Juab Valley for establishment of will be conducted Sunday at 1 p. tivities sponsored by the club and m. at the Mona ward chapel for will take advantage of the manv The Wild, and Injun Talk were a pheasant sanctuary has been I I I iS W shown by the Standard Oil Com- announced by the State Fish and sergeant Wayne Ellis Newton, Christmas bargains being offered The Juab who was killed in an aircraft ac by the local merchants. pany of California through the Game Department. -On behalf of the Jaycees, Mr. cident 9pril 28, 1945 in Italy, while cooperation of D. C. Boswell, local Valley pheasant sanctuary will be one of very few in the state, and distributor. as a crew chief in the Hanson and Mr. Anderson wish serving to convey their thanks publicly to Awards were presented to the in each instance where they are 15th Air Force. The services will be directed hv the merchants of Nenhi who hv. following scouts, with Distract Ad- in operation, the pheasant populvancement Chairman Glade Sand- ation has greatly increased. oisnop xl. Alton Ellertson with the wholeheartedly supported them on The property purchased by the ers officiating: Military portion of the services In mis unnstmas project, both bv advertisements in this Troop 131: (First Ward) Angus State Fish and Game department cnarge of Post No. 1. American sponsoring isue of The tt Belliston, Junior Assistant Scout- is known as the old Webb ranch, Legion, of Nephi. of master, presented Eagle Scout located north and west of LaMar youne was horn nt to the revenue from nrVuvv. sergeant Bowles ranch, and embraces 152 defray the expenses of the Jav- Award. xviona Marfch 16, 1921 a son of cee Christmas program, and THE LIGHTS GO UP AGAIN TO Here's a few of and Ella Q ON AGAIN SATURDAY Troop 132 (Second Ward, Leland acres. Eugene Newton. by Kav Ha the '' Jaycees auenaea the Mona sehnnl .Tnnh placing the lights in front of thpir .1 Plan3 for the coming spring in- wno mis scoutmaster: Ostler, Marriner wee Lnave placed the lights on business houses in preparation for the lighting business Saturday fW high school at Beckstead, merit badges in Ath- clude the fencing of the property and the West respective to give the city a establishments s to give the entire city a high school inNephi letics and swimming: Glen Can- to keep out cats, dogs, coyotes and noon. City Electricia Ray Powell and his crew have placed the fetive atmosLsk Pitw Salt non, merit badges in public speak- other predators, for the planting festive holiday )ir. Lights will go on at 5:30 p. m. Saturday afternoon, where he took a mechanical phere. The entire program of tho T,r course. Entering the service Auging and swimming; Robert Har- of feed for the pheasants includcees Christmas activities for Satust 5, 1942 he received his basic mon, merit badge in painting and ing wheat, barley and corn, and advanced to Star Scout. the planting of hedge rows and training at Kansas Citv. Mo., und urday will be found on page one was graduated from the National of section two. Advertisements of Troop 133 (Third Ward) Assist- other vines and plants which will an the merchants ant Scoutmaster, Marvin E. Gar- provide a cover for the birds. school of Aeronautics, Engine Ov- - Ihc m ... . .w rett: Clifton Belliston, and RichUnder the plan of operation, the will ns fnnnrf thru ernaunng Mechanic sdivision. He uui me entire newspaper. ard Jones, advanced to Star ranks young pheasants are planted on left for Overseas duty in January Alvin Witt ,1st class rank, Mer- the sanctuary, where they are fed of 1044 and was stationed in Italy. it badges in firemanship, home re- for such length of time as is Survivors are his parents, of LEVAN TO CUT to acclimate them, and to pairs, music, carpentry, personal Mona, the following brothers and sisters: health, and advanced : to Star permit them to become old enough the of the Under Tax collections were exeeption-- . Ervin, Claude, Lee and POWER RATES sponsorship The Nephi Safety council wag Scout; Marvin E. Garrett, merit so that they can forage for them- Nephi Lions club, a Junior Safety ally high ip Juab County, aeoord. Lynn of Mona, and Mrs. Harry C. with recently Supt. organized As the young pheasants Patrol has been established at the badges in Dairying, carpentry, selves. ing to the County Treasurer, Mrs Ulmer, Salt Lake City. Also surCity Officials of Levan have anwoodwork, and advanced to Star reach this age, the feed is grad local schools. Working with the Ray Evans acting as chairman of Mabel D. Christison. viving is his widow, Mrs. Audrey nounced a lowering of the power Of a total the group. Scout. of $334,527.78 levied, $324,533.76 Green Newton Uraznil of ually taken away from them, and City and with the Juab School rates, effective on January 1st Troop 134 (Fourth Ward) Boyd (they in turn leave the sanctuary District, Lion members Jack Cow The new rates will carry The first meeting was held on has been collected, making a toWyoming. a min-uelsewhere. feed to ratten, fccouemaster: Billy Lee an, Elden Sherwood and Ray C. December 6th, The purpose of the tal collection of 97.01 per cent of of $1.00, or 10 KWH charge The cover plants will provide an Evans have taken a great step In council is to solve Bailey, merit badge in athletics; at 10 cents; The next bracket in safety problems the total amount charged, Robert Johnson, merit badees in excellent nesting ground for the furthering safety consciousness and in our The largest tax payer in the the rate will be 20 at 8c, and the and to make us community beef production and home repairs, game birds, and with proper d balance up to 200 will be at 3c highway safety among Nephi pu- all more safety conscious, county was Union Pacific Railroad advanced to Second Class tection against predators and pils ., that the customer is usproviding totai f paymenta Scout. There has been a group select-e- o (poachers, the pheasant hunting in With funds supplied by the Neanelectric stove or water heating area should be considerably phi Lions club, the Junior Patrol to work with Mr. Evans in Arvil Wank-'thi- s The delinquent tax list win ho er; Above the 200 mark the rate Droop 136 (Levan) Ned Mangelson, , better within a comparatively few has been outfitted with Sam carrying out this program. Each published in the December 16th will be 2 cents, and all power defin-fmerit badge in scholarship. a years. Browne Belts, badges, slickers group has been assigned issue of The used above the 600 mark will PenalreEach Scout advancing in rank) inclement weather, and guide ite month in which they will be ties of 2 per cent of the vert back to the 3 cent rate tax banners to aid in safe highway responsible for the program. The plus 25 cents advertising total cost on WILDLIFE FEDERAION An invitation is Issued by the following groups were represent-Th- e each notice will be crossing to and from school. '. charged monies were concluded by the as Lions Club, through its'ed and assignments given an unpaid taxes. Tax Sales on Bishopric of the Nephi Second ATTENDING L"lwar? for the genera! public to at- playing of taps by two Scouts MEETING PLANNED Merle H. White, asks! lows: , be made on unpaid t v from Troop 136 of Levan. The annual meeting of the East the cooperation of all local citiz- - Juab high school, Principal C. uary 10, 1949. after whmh a tend a special meeting on Sunday CONVENTION Juab Wildlife Federation will be ens to make this safety program H. Pay, December, 1948; Lions dition to the penalities, 8 per eent at 5:30 p. m. when the Spanish Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn, Mr. Fork Second Ward choir will ap and Voil interest win oe i neid at the Blue Room of the City a success. Cooperate with the Club (Merle H. White charged.. an exchange program. and Mrs. James H. Ellison and Mr Social News unaer American Legipear Junior as Howell, the January; boys on Safety patrol, Equipment building Thursday, and The meeting is being scheduled and Mrs. Smith Ingram are in girls are making a serious ef on, Max Knight, Febraury; JunThe club met on December 16th, at 7:30 p. m. for 5:30 p. m., to permit the mem route this week to Atlantic City of to Commerce ior fort lessen Chamber ever an (Roy JAYCEE JANES The purpose of the meeting is lurking Decemher 2nd at the home of Mrs. bers of the Nepjhi Second Ward New Jersey where they will attend Hanson, March; Jaycee Janes, Frank O. Morgan. Mrs. W. Lee for the election of officers and menace to our school children. choir to attend, and following the the National Convention of the Give them a hand. Mrs. Blanche Pexton,' April; Anv BUY EQUIPMENT Bailey, president, was in charge directors. American Farm Bureau federatMarMrs. erican Auxiliary, A meeting the Nephi Second ward ion. full program of entertainment Legion and two guitar solos were played The party is making the choir will travel to Kiwanis FOR Fork Spanish Club, garet White, May; trip SCHOOL by Master Fred Beck. Mrs. Udell has been outlined, with Lee Kay where at 8 p. m they will present by railroad, and expect to visit Joseph Parrish, June; State highR. Jensen reviewed the play "The of the State Fish and Game de- LIONS SPONSOR in Teachers New a and of York, Washington D. C, sacred music in the program pupils of the Neway patrol and County CommisStory of Mary Surratt" by John partment being scheduled to give BANQUET - DANCE sioners Paul M. phi Central School wish to express Spanish Fork Second ward sacra and many other cities in the East Patrick. Members In attendance his latest wildlife pictures. The Nephi Lions club held its ChristisonEldenandSherwood, before returning home. W. C. Andrews, their sincere appreciation and ment meeting. All members of the Association first Christmas were Mrs. James M. Anderson, It is anticipated that the trip Banquet and dance July; Nephi City Corp, Mayor'P. thanks to the Jaycee Janes for The program for the Nephi Mrs. Lee Bailey, Mrs. Lewis Beag-le- are invited and urged to be In on November 4th at the Second L. Jones and David Salisbury, the fine equipment which was nr. meeting as announced by Jack will take two weeks. Mr. Eugene Beck, Mrs. LaVar attendance. Ward hall. Over fifty couples en- August; Ladies Literary Club, sented to the school recently. The Warner, director of the Spanish $50.00 worth of sporting equip joyed the delicious Carter, Mrs. Irel Chlase, Mrs. dinner and Fork choir, is as follows: IntroMrs. A. V. Gadd, September; Ne cMuopir.ni consists of a fine Fred L. Gadd Mrs. John H. Har ment will be given as attendance helped initiate several new Lions record prayer, ductions and weleome. Bishop John SENIOR PLAY IS businessmens Association, F. phi mon, Mrs. Udell R. Jensen, Mrs,Pr,zes' according to Raymond A. members. The following men G. and a fine film strip pro- H. Harmon; invocation, Song of Peterson, November; Boy Scout Cleon Memmott, Mrs. Golden Old- - Jackson, Federation president. have been elected to the club: jector. the Redeemed, choir; Mediation, a NEXT THURSDAY of C. R. America, Lomax, October; royd, Mrs. Lynn Searle, Mrs. Al- James M. Anderson, Dudley M. andw Juab These two machines e baoramental number by Mrs. HelH. are James Stake, Ockey The annual Senior Plav of JuAh bert C. Starr, Mrs. Alma Tranter, Bray, Max Bowles, Irel Chase, December of 1949. City Marshal and are being en McGee, a violin solo accom- high school equipment rMs. Carl Wilkey, the hostess, Mrs the 30 will be presented In the Scouts week, LaVar Carter, Charles H. Foote, R. E. Winn will During Boy enjoyed much very by all, and the panied by Pearl Bamett; sacra- Auditorium on cooperate in the f rank Morgan, and a guest, Mrs. of Nphi received certificates from Voil Howell, Paul D, Limburg and school Thursday evenpersonnel are finding them ment service, program. Tarry With Me, ing, December 16th. Thomas Belliston of Salt Lake the American Red Cross designat- Dr. Mark Miner. Tiger House Choir very in solo the helpful This with meet will F. J. once a council work, Faux; by City. by Robert St Clair is the product ing them as Beginners Jn SwimThe Nephi Lions club has a well month and work out a School officials feel Life What's G. Talk, About? that the by safety proion being given. ming or as Intermediate Swim- developed club program for the gram for Mrs. Royal Peterson has left mers, having passed the required forthcoming Nephi City. With the members of this organization Victor Robertson; trumpet solo. sevyear should embracing be highly complimented for Holy City, Annie Joy Pinegar acfor home in Glens Ferry, Idaho tests at Arrowhead at the Scout eral worthwhile social and civic holiday season approaching and the efforts they have put forth companied by Mrs. Mary Pine-gaOn Saturday evening of last following a recent major operation Acquatic Camp which they attend- projects which will be announced the shopping rush at its peak, it to involves many problems that could accomplish this worth while closing remarks by Bishop week' the invading American Fork at the Payson hospital. ed last June. in the future. Harmon, Let The Mountains Shout Cavemen win a close 2 victory easily be solved if we the citizens project, for Joy, choir, and beneditction. over the Wasps in the first preof Nephi would cooperate. One In the event that the congreg season encounter. The game was big problem at the present time ation exceeds the space in the cha- no ones victory until the final secis the parking situation on our Social the doors will be opened to onds when the Forkers scored on main street. Once before this was pel, The Salt Creek camp of the create additional seating space In a fast break to tie things up with discussed and the business men of Utah Pioneers will the amusement hall. a four point lead. Kenneth Bean were aked to park on the side Daughters have Christmas Party at the was high point man for Juab, totstreets. There were some who home their of Captain Alda Pexton on Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Vickers re- aling 10 points. did cooperate but others who did Monday, December 13th at 7:30 turned to Mantl Sunday from the The next game here will be on not offer much consideration. P- m, week end spent In Nehhi. Blanche Friday. December 17th. Pexton, Secretary : Pheasant Sanctuary Is Services To Be Held For Mona Serviceman Planned U wl V - :;.:. - - &i 1. I .. Time-New- s. I cross-string- Lions nec-cessa- ry Sponsor Junior Safety Patrol Here Collection of Taxes Reach 97.1 Per Cent Nephi Safety Council Organized; Urges Parking Care r."iB Kem-me- r, m Spanish Fork pro-an- iffisr " . Choir To Sing Here - or Times-New- SSkV hrSrbte0fcel" s. I T s Lit-A-Lu- re y, i com-minati- radio-record- er high-grad- r; 26-2- Items - J '-- 1 C 3 , TV. ci .4, X .1 Editors note: And parking would be much better on main street If the City would cause some of the snow to be removed while It Is still snow, rather than waiting until it booomes Ice and then fighting it. REG) BOY SCOUT NEWS Vri I "UV " ' : : Twelve Scouts representing the Troops in Nephi attended a two-da-y merit badee PowWow held nt the RYU on November 26 and 27. Each Scout received Instruction from four trained lenders of four ' x ' ' "? . merit badge studies. From the In'. , ; . i f, ',' t struction given each scout should be able to pass the requirements - :K 4 j for receiving the merit barges on " , HOSPITAL FUND GAINS t Presentation of the Commercial Bank of Utah'i check for $750.00 to the the subjects he chme to study. ;'. f J .i . ii i mm mi iiiiiiiiiiiiit .... J AM J. The Scouts were accompianled Hospital Fund, is made by the bank's Nephi manager Paul E. Booth, left, to Committeeman Elgin R. by Scout Commissioner C. R. Lo. ... ... , tTer Jlnc, cvo nav0 xneir net aruJ everything Garrett, right. Roy W. Hanson, assistant manager of the bank, is center. The $750.00 check brought max, with transportation furnish- else the for on at ready Friday Juab presentation ed W. evening high school auditorium. The play is a budqet Lee Mr. by Bailey and the Bank's total contribution thus far to $1000.00. ev.nr ana is Tree to me general puDi.c ot the stake. Directors are Andy and Zella Johnson. ;:VC( v J !; . ' ' 5 |