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Show THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPHL, UTAII Thursday, December 9, 1948 PAGE THREB Colorful Toy Chest Is Simple to Build fl J 1 111 Hfi - a. J greg-tiu- The Amateur Colleges artists cover stocks. o svbciaute- OTHERS I hi Wf Vvf-- ... paUent at Roosevelt hospital from a window of Russian consulate GOOD LUCK, MRS. KASENKINA A the since she leaped to freedom on August 12, Mrs. Oksana Kasenklna, former Soviet school teacher, is shown in her wheelchair as she prepared to leave the hospital. Daring her stay at the hospital, Mrs. Kasenklna wrote the story of her life. Proceeds from the sale of the story will go to pay ber medical bills. My CHRISTMAS CARPS, PRODUCT OF A POZEN HANPS AN? CARRY YOUR HOtlPAy CM PCtSe eows of Rieeo4 -- REfETTIMSS TIEP By NIMBL- Et ' FW6EREP WOMEM SATIH IMSfRTS, RrtlHfSTOrfFS, ANV OTHER ATTACHMENTS ARE APPIIEP BV HANP.TOO TO FRIENDS . ANP RELATIVES ErVBRV WHERE. AMERICANS . VJILL EcHAn6? OHt AMP A HALF BILLION CHRISTMAS CARPS "MIS yULETIpe. 1 ssr- Christmas Toys For Every Need Be a when Yule Record Begins In Fifth Century you t. imiat iiirmr ill RED LEADER . . . Rumors that Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky had established headquarters in the Russian sone of Germany have been confirmed by American intelligence sources. - There is no mention of a Christian observance of December 25 as select Christmas toys. Christmas before the fifth century. Just as there are different types There is, in fact, no record to inof toys (or each age level, so there dicate what date Jesus was born. are toys that serve different purVarious researchers have set the poses in each age group. as January 6, March 23, May There are manipulative toys, toys day 19 and November 17.' In 20, for physical development, balance orderApril to win Christian converts nd skill, toys for dramatic, imagfrom their observance of the inative play, toys to teach arts and away pagan festival, handicrafts, and toys to encourage churchmen induced them toearly oban interest in nature, science, hob- serve the birth of Christ Jesus at bies and pets. that time instead. Thus December A child needs some of each in the 25 came to be established as Christhis to level. best age Jsrm adapted mas. TToys (or babies should be selected of the standpoint primarily from safety. They should have no sharp Claus edges, no loose parts small enough to be swallowed. Animals with eyes A Youthful .glued or pinned on, toys covered The name of Santa Claus Is merewith poisonous paint or made of ly slurring the Dutch San Nicholas, or taboo. are The china best glass choice is something that can be which is, of course,, St. Nicholas. American children are probably the washed when it becomes soiled. only ones who say it exactly that careful shopper m ! ( - .i i'&rt&r: fin . 4 MiilMlia1rfiiMniawrMaMiMlli rr' . . The famous Wright brothers plane WRIGHT PLANE RETURNS "Kitty Hawk" Is shown as it arrived at ceremonies at the Freer art gallery in Washington. The ceremonies were attendant to the plane's being brought to its final resting place in the Smithsonian institute following Its long return journey from Great Britain to the United States. . mid-wint- f Real Santa 'J ) Saint way. Nicholas was an actual person. Feasts Great He was Bishop of Myra. in Lycia, Asia Minor, in the first part of the Yule Once fourth century. He was also the A modern Christmas dinner Is a bishop in the history of the mere "snack" compared to the youngest church. Yule of and Kings royal banquets From the day of his birth Nicho Queens in history. las revealed his piety and grace. For one of Edward IITs ChristHe refused on fast days to take mas (easts 2.000 oxen were pre- the natural nourishment of a child. as The as ate much But Nicholas was not a barefoot pared. guests they could and the vast leftovers recluse vowed to poverty. His fawere distributed to anyone who ther was a wealthy merchant, and happened to come along. Edward his riches enabled him to be a diswas the first English king to empenser of the good things of life. ploy French cooks for a Christmas The feast of St Nicholas was feast originally celebrated on December When Henry III spent Christmas 6. Later, when church people in the of 1241 at Gloucester, he ordered late Middle Ages tried to suppress the sheriff to buy 20 large salmon the festivities which grew up to put into pies for the Christmas around the Boy Saint's day, his dinner. Richard II feasted 10,000 festival came to be associated with He Christmas day. people at a banquet in 1399. kept more than 1.000 cooks, each of whom specialized in one kind Royal Marked of TINY "LOOIE" . . . Sgt. John Manatt, on duty at LaGuardia field, lends a hand to a miniature lieutenant as he arrived from Germany. The "Looie" is John Cluff. 10 months old. V v. n SWELTERS . . . Santa picked an uncomfortable day for his first visit to New York City this year. It was so unseasonably warm that be sought rest and relief from the heat on a bench in Central Park. SANTA have stockings come to be traditional receptacle for Christ- Why mas gifts? Although historians can give no authentic answer, they point out that children's stockings are usually hung by the chimney to keep warm or dry out, 'so It was natural that Santa Claus should pick them as the place in which to deposit regions of France Salesman Vacuum-Clean- s Herd of 46 Dairy Cows 1945-194- 6 that 'big-tim- vacuum cleaner manufactur that one of its products increased the output of a dairy herd. The 46 bovines were infested with lice. Using a cleanei with a furniture brush attachment, a company salesman cleaned the entire herd and burned the leavings. Milk production increased about 25 per cent. A ing firm reports e football' didn't belong in scheme of scholastic life. The athlete was to be treated as any other student. "Sewanee had no fault to find with other universities. We simply believed that subsidized football was not for us. Then the problem of a schedule came up. We finally lined up Centre, Mississippi college. Presbyterian, Hendrix, Maryville, Hampden Sydney and Kenyon. Only one of these failed to keep its agreement Hendrix dropped out because the cost of traveling to Sewanee and Millsaps was added. We tried to get others to join us such as Washington ana iee, Davidson and the Citadel, but they declined to leave the Southern conference because they claimed they needed the money they received from big guarantees, and also they were afraid of their own alumni groups. We'll get more fol lowers eventually. "Gate receipts are unimportant. (As we understand it, there are no gate receipts. Possibly nominal ones against the $4 and $5 collect ed today.) Football at Sewanee in cost the university $19,000 place of the $500,000 or $1,000,000 that Michigan. Notre Dame and others earn from the sport. Foot ball is simply treated as Latin, English and math are treated a necessary part of a university's curriculum." In other words, Sewanee's educational course wasn't arranged to strengthen the Bears, Packers, Giants, Eagles, and Forty-Niner- s, where four years of college is a waste of time. Not a bad thought. "Sewanee has about the right idea," Johnny Kieran says. "Only if they will do the right and smart thing and abolish gate receipts you won't have to bother with foot ball pay rolls or proselyting. Let the public in tree. This settles all arguments." It is the only way that all argu ments will ever be settled. I still don't believe college football was started to bring in $500,000 or a a year to university $1,000,000 funds, through its winning teams, frequently built up at any price. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AUTOS, TRUCKS & ACCESS. FINE USED CARS Liberal Credit Terms M. CHASE, INC. Trade Buy Sell JESSE Salt Lake City Main at 4th So. Alto locations in BLACK FOOT BOISE FOCATEUO FARMS AND RANCHES u for TVtV. on farm eltlxnont eroortunlllM. l. Rcuonablr prirod. C r. Canadian FaclOo Ballwaj, VartcouTer. 11.C. CANADIAN FtUl FARMS-W-rit, 00111. MISCELLANEOUS JUMPING JACK. A proven and safe ear. loi blinel Wide, he holds baby's back erect. Baby cannot fall out. Keeps baby contented. It's an ideal Christmas gift. Price 14.93. Write for literature. Shsrtliff Msnufaetnrlnr C.. MS South loth ATcnsa, reeatella, Idaho. Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! MrVi FO MISERIES OF 'f t ... - ball-carri- er If r i 3 it is shoe that Is put out on Christmas Eve. Some authorities say .- that thoet and stockings were put near the fireplace (or the same reason that an old boot was asso ciated with wedding in order to bring good luck and drive away U Send 25 cents for Tov Chest Pattm-65 to Easi-BIlPattern Company, Dept. W, Pleasantville, N. Y. No. r?DDIUftft RELICr WITul' i ?V CVCftr BREATH There is a chance that the Big gSfi&aau ith Nine will become the Big Ten again. You know what wonderful reIf this happens, the new member lief you get when you rub on . " ( I J' will be Michigan state. Why not? Vicks VapoRubl 1 , , - V 4,'" , , f Now . . . when you have a K tmifiwiir fiiimrtii ii ? iiiiwiifMiit if4 nitrt niiti Michigan state today has 15.000 mi imiifia ir n nagging, raspy cough due to a It also has one of the students. cold, here's a special way to use An exotic transplant Is American football. SAUERKRAUT BOWL best football layouts in the game. Vicks VapoRub. It's VapoRub Steam and it brings grand rea new stadium that can handle 55,"thrilling" onlookers in the "Sauerkraut Bowl" clash at Frankfurt, lief in a hurryl of "Red the Rhinemain and Raiders" "Rockets" The the 000 Germany. spectators, the most modern Put a good spoonful of Vicks 14th constabulary are shown tangling in the Frankfurt stadium Novem one yet built. VapoRub in a bowl of boiling In Dr. John A. Hannah, it might ber 14, with a Raider water or vaporizer. Then . , . getting dumped. German youth is Inhale the soothing VapoRub also be noted that Michigan state rapidly taking to this new sport taught tbem by occupation forces. Steam. The medicated vapors has one of the leading college presipenetrate llrect to dents of the country, whose slant upper bronchial tubes and bring relief a on football Is sound. ilfO with, every tingl The Big Nine was also the Dreamt Try lti v VapoRub Big Nine In 1908. That is the year when Michigan revolted. The Wolverlner stayeo out unWNU W 4948 til 1917 when they finally re-- turned to the (old. The Big Ten stuck until Chlrago university abolished football, and ever since then there have been attempts by several outsiders to ' " ' 'f Help Them UctnM the Blood take Chicago's place. of Harmful Body Want The Big Nine has been in no Tour kfdny tr CAnatanelf filtering twt matter from th blood But hurry to make it the Big Ten lac tbir work not act Natur lntnHd fail to r again. But, if there is any change, feoTi Impuriti that. If mained, may Michigan state is almost certain poiaoa tha ayataa ud apMt tb wbote to be the one selected. body machinary, Byoiptoma may bo Bonint harttafHtio, Michigan state a id Michigan are porattNit baodarh. ottarkaof diumssj, ap atffbta, wtUing. puffin something tike California and U. C. fatting under tba aya a fasting of arvott L. A. The first two are state uni anxiaty and loaa of pap and itrn(t , Otbar signa of kidney or eladdof versities in Michigan, just as the ara aomatiiaaa buraiag, aetata ar two others art state universities in too frMjufH urination. Thtra should bf Mdoabt laat pratnpt California. traatment ia irtaar thaa aeclart. taa Beaten only by Michigan and aaa'f PHU. Daaa'a baa wianing WRIST CAMERA . . . From postwar Germany comes something new aaw fr.ada (or tsoro thaaba Notre Dame, Michigan state has forty yoaraw wrist-watcbava a aatioa-wtd- a h rap wt attorn. The Tbay Is camera which aod strange, the pictured here. dainty known one of its h this Ara ranmnaadd by gratofal fsxpia tax (sons 4Msr miniature Is equipped with an F 2.S Irns and weighs but 1.6 ounces. fall. It has a bettc. team than aouatry aar. A f'm A roll of Blm will give 480 pictures when used In this camera several members of the Big Nin case for the new camera Is at top left The watch is pictured (or torn have, including Indiana, Wisconsin, and probably Iowa. larlsou. P Hang Stockings For Santa Claus - The outlines of the lamh snri flnuAr nn and are merely traced directlj wood. This Insures decorating touch. No 8Decia professional skills are required. Big Ten Again? mm the "i&jtirM's s food. Stfrs. In certain cr ' of dec--1 full size to the with a tools or Faul-kenberr- ter is a colorful, gaily orated toy chest that can b made in a short time. This chesi is roomy enough to hold mam small toys. User merely tracei pattern on wood, saws and asserrv bles exactly as pattern indicates. You don't have to know anythins about painting to decorate thi chest as illustrated. 'rf' J DEBUT . . . None other than Noel Coward, himself, as he made op for his debut as a French actor In Paris. The playwright scored a personal acting triumph In the play "Joyenx Chagrin," or "Glad Sorrow." TEEk DIE PHSRAVIHOS AMP CABEPUULV WTAILEP Full COLOR LI"WO PLATES wERE PRERAReO FOR THE BK3 PRN4TINS PRESSES. MAnV DE1I6HTFUL CARPS, HOWEVER., ARE STILL HANP COLOREP VIA SILK 9tKE1N Vf AIR BKUW TO MACHINE 1MB MATC UERE 1 wt SOME IM WINTER k. iMr'sWnB -- are now probably eight strictly amateur colleges or universities in the United States. The others are either semi-pror strictly pro in many details. . There is at least a taint of professionalism connected any college that prose lytes, solicits or gives out a scholar-shi- p i or a dime to any athlete. Only those colleges that treat an athlete as si T i they would a lead ing math or English scholar come under this heading. Which are these We Gran tland Rice few colleges? first contacted Jim Gregg, an alumnus of Sewanee, the university that started the pure amateur plan. Sewanee has had its day of glory from 1892 to 193S. It has had its great teams, its leading stars Simkins, Lanier, Lex Stone, Harris Cope, Rex Kilpat- rick (brother of the general, and etc. much bigger) Kirby-Smitas Jim Gregg put it, "But," "Sewanee decided In the win- THERE carp s vwwi ,nu ( 3 Li THE HOUPAV SPIRIT M FOU. --COLOR PAINTIMSS. MAnV aK:.78jrV. 1 KbVb---- ' 1 pesigniwg tub 1943 publishers besam CHRISTMAS CARDS A i ; JFTEEM MOMTH ASO, WUEt4 WOMEN'S FASUlOHS I WCRE JUST 06T1IMO THE New LOOK", W OB .1 C0d -- I n.Fi.- m-.- ' spirits. In Newark, By Americans Probably the most famous Ameri can story is Kate Douglas Wiggin's Christmst Carol." The Birds Others worth reading are Louisa Christmas at Or May Atcott's chard House" and Vincent Starrett's "Snow for Christmas." Chris topher Morley's "The Worst Christ. mas Story happens to be almost ons of the best. - i Chicago, makes bird cages and geometric figures of straw to trim the Lithuanian Christmas tree, Santa's Enemies Good Yule Stories 'I -J Chicago Museum of Science and Industry Mrs. Rose Mae'anskes, of N. J., Santa Is re- quired to pass a stiff physical ex amination before he can serve in a department store. And even then it Is verboten for him to kiss any of the children who perch upon his knee. In Charleston, S. C, chsrtty Santas have been forbidden to make a pitch on public streets on the grounds that children flocking to see them may create traffic itr. v. Ltr dia-or- dr - r,t a TOOTHY Barrett, . . . Donald Langdon of Springfield, III., Is nly 11 months old and mighty proud of his 16 teeth, shout 10 more than babies of his age usually have. Donald's mother, shown holding blm, has beautiful teeth, too. |