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Show Thursday, December 9, 1948 THE TIMES- - NEWS. NEPHL UTAH PAGE SEVEN fouthfu Yoked Frock Misses For Teen-Age- d a Hi '' MM M,li,m 4 JldlXl rw :-- r. I Warn mrnmm i n I HiJry iimwala i tie DC sjMinaVr jioaiu. ri"rfc ''w; rowifrt 1 TiAACC 1 IWY RATES ARE FI fTY CENTS AN HO UR- PL US ERATO RT AND RE FRG USg OF YOUR PHONE MRS. ', SLOAN FOR ANOTHER DEMONSTRATION NANCY f 1 I NEW MAGNIFIERS FOR II ii K r ) Kr" II llll slP Hi M OH, SLUGGO GOT ONE OP THOSE I n-gR- I c- ,n , ttk-ii I I ,! . iiu LITTLE REGGIE 1 n issAnAi J y, i . 10-1- 6 Yoked Frock YOUTHFUL and smart is this yoked frock for the teen-ag- e miss. The demure Peter Pan collar has a pert bow. A purchased belt snugs in a tiny waistline. Try a brightly colored plaid fabric with crisp white collar. i..M4iju'yw..wiv Pattern No. 8367 Is for sizes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. IS and 16. Size 11, short sleeve, V 3ft yards of yard for collar The Fall and Winter FASHION offers a wealth of sewing information for the home dressmaker special features, fabric news, free pattern printed Inside the ... book 23 cents. South WeUs St. Chicago 7, 111. Enclose 25 cents la coin for each pattern desired. -- SizePattern No.. Kame i .yiwisMsiwaya or fing f5 with 8EW1NO CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 530 'Win tz Also for Pain due to COLDS, MUSCLE ACHE, and STRAINS. Ask for Mild Ben-Ca- y for Children. 8367 By Margarita pnj" for fast, soothing, gently Hurry rub in Ben-Ga- y the origiwarming relief Insist on genuine Ben-Gacontains up to 2Vi nal Baume Analgesique. Ben-Ga- y times more methyl salicylate and menthol two agents known to every doctor than five Ben-Ga- y other widely offered rub-in-s. acts fast where you hurt. pain-relievi- ; " I J 4 1 Ernie Bushmtller ,, f c - By r mm i P -- Address- - Electric Electric ' MUTT AND JEFF OWE ME THREe JEFF, YotT 'oH, BoYS, WOULD YOU DO ME WEEKS RENT.' NOW J CAN SEE THE FAVOR OF LIVING AT KICK IN OR HOTEL I BOUGHT HOW IT 2L Sy-g7fWAND TAKING CARE STAY JhfJLVkfl out! m f ITHE po! jTWfflf OF THINGS By Bud Fisher ., ruVHAT LUcKjoUST ''did YouYyES FOR AND BOARD TAKIN' V wtARE WHAT OF , ,, , RlN6,SlR?I DAVlSTrtlS? !f IT UE , woULD FREE ROOM rTvA V . . rt 4' ' : 1 ttaN(T SjlfJg5S flI,ii V nd Mechanical Toys toys should never be handled with wet hands. If a youngster has been playing In the rain or snow, he should put on dry clothing befoie playing with electric toys. A heavy mitten worn by a child when using a play electric iron or stove will help prevent hand burns. All electric toys should be of approved design and construction such as those bearing the label Eili - " imnss .fk LI ef . tp U&.i V "Four of us were proceeding np Mobile Bay in a 26-focruiser when-er.- uA ncr struck a submerged log! A hole gaped in ths holll We realized the boat would sink quickly! bct J8 $3 t&M i&ttsj Inc. maintained in a safe condition. At first sign of a defect, the sary repairs should be made ' mil the Underwriters' Laboratories, All electric toys should be of the 1 IhMk.. . ic neces- or the toy discarded. ' JITTER ' FINE.IP'i,isv P?OFfcSSOX. JITTER, ANEMIA'S THINGS IN THE ( ANYTMINS'S JS ON THE C"A 1 NgCSf fZZZZZZZ- . -- KwE-V- . f ABOUT By Arthur Pointer J fTte, f SHALL I ERASE YES... BEFORE LONG V ) THEY'LL MISTAKE ME ) QthB BOARD, SlR?J WORRIED YOU-YOt- VT'i-- ' ' RELIEF AT LAST FcrVour COUGH tl SI 3 O "We swung the crsft around so that it foundered in fairly shallow water. There was a an hour wind. Only the top of the cabin was above water. Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. "We began signalling with a flashlight as dark--fl ness covered the bay. At KAU&CS VU1 IM tress signal and radioed a near-b- y Coast Guard station. e "After we bad dnng to the cabin top for three hours, a Coast Guard boat arrived. We can thank ear flashlight and its 'Eveready batteries for our rescue!" CREOfULSKOM for Bronchitis Coughs.Chest Colds, By Gene Byrnes REG'LAR FELLERS s tii TH' WINTEIl Jckl LOOLiKt ) PRETTY rr?3 fctll y SAU. )af4f, BUT MOO CltAM TOUtYARO I fOt -- (f-- weu .thats orV. FIHi..'J HAVt Y rt.L (V f ? - ASSISTANT HE.RE. IN Aw JUST I CO A. IT'TOjjTS )4 miNOTe I HE. DOES ALL 1 the heavy Jjt Pl? Vrn ft T Jyy WFfirntTr:. rGHAHbE ofLIFE? by T-T-UtS WE'VE IS THE EVEC BIGGEST CCOWo 1A0 AFTER THE . , ." WONDER MAKES PEOPLE SO NO, WLIAT -I ( W,f tB J )flOaf ji4J-i'"r- Clark S. Haas i camels. lt rMI X K I ICMS " IT " m . H a '(l ' IISt. Rfc NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. M 4M StraM, Nw If, N. T. lw ".":; Owh t IMt Trk CmrMt 1233 4 Cm Cffmfrn CAMELS ARE SO MILD! that AND THEY HAVE SUCH A ME WONOERfUL FOR. FLAVOR,! keeps! 4 i ' t-- THfM WLPN5SS OVER. , CAHY SCOT i've changed to TEST WON VIRGIL' WV iI a UVTICE 30-DA- Y f THAT ut For brighter light and longer life in your flashlight, insist on "JEvercady" flashlight batteries America's largest-sellin- g brandl I LVOIALPINKHAM'S '- I Are you going through the functional 'middle age' pertod peculiar to women (38 to 52 yrs.) 7 Does this make you suffer from hot Cashes, feel so iwrvoua, hlghstrung. tired? Then do try Lydla E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve sucb symptoms. Plnkham's Compound also has what Doctors call a toulo effect SUNNYSIDE KutvMi ikiicvn imanvnaMssur I 'CveaEWV'SlkTTtRIES IN MV njUMUSHT.f owes -- owo mow I Txev savsd my g I I ' "LcvJ 171 NCAWTHAT By Len Kleis I HAVE AU. YM sr a .-1 1 3 t n Make the Camel test! when hundreds of men and women recently, from coast to coast, smoked Camels exclusively for 30 days in a similar test, noted throat specialists who examined the throats of these smokeri every week a total of 2470 examinations reported 30-da- y NO THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS |