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Show In a pile of stbrieft. Except for bruises, all three of them escaped injury. . According i q sin vi tfors of the wreck, the inni omsan evidently was unused to the road, as be was compelled to back up at one point When he had taken the wrong switch. Bo tli trains were jammed with passengers, pas-sengers, as the strike had resulted In a material reduction in service and consequent conse-quent delay. Immediately after the crash the Wrecked cars burst Into fhi me, adding to the terrdr of those who had escaped injury and increasing the peril of those pinned In the wreckage. Polios reserves from a dosen stations were rushed to the scene of the accident, and i hey hnihediataly sent In calhi for all the a mbulain-es in Brooklyn, while Manha It an hospitals were asked for assistance. as-sistance. The f"S depart mcnt also was called upon to aid the injured and remove the dead. Resent work was retarded by the fact that the crash occurred In a deep cut. It was difficult for relief workers or sur-ytyors sur-ytyors to clamber up and down the, steep Concrete walls of what Is known as the Ma Ibonn street "tunnel." Unfamiliar With Line. AcfOidlhK to Ibe pnsseiiKenfl, ii becuuie evIdSpt, sunn after the leading train lefl Prooklyn luidge. that Hie inotonuiati xxmh 1 onfauiillar xxllh tin. line xi'lllcli tfaxa ph the elcxiilcd Hlructiue until ii Faaohol J'ranklili axenile. where It dOiOOlldN gradually grad-ually to the surface and nit.-rs the i:ul. When the tia.in readied the "tunnel." rjaaaengcre told the pollcf, Hp- biolor&iaji failed B ilaoJton . pes aJ lie Hlinlild bax e i Suddenly the find car left, the track and nlullKed Info the co Herein wall. dragging ttie cars behind with It, James Munahan. a llrooklyn fireman, xxh', win Hliindlng un lie rear plalfni-in ol tin- first train and who aaved his life by juniplhK. declllleil be hellexed tin- motorman had loot oontrol of the train us it went around curve Into the cut. I, on King back, he said, he suxx- anothar train close behind. Just before Ihe crush be netted two glrlaVwbo ware on tho plutfortu xvlth blin od leaped. Ill 11(11 i)K |