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Show STOLEN ITCR LEADS I TO ARREST OE A 1 COLORED 111 I "Kid" Carter, a negro, was tried in tho municipal court this morning on the chargo of drunkenness and had his case taken under advisement. He was arreBtod yesterday afternoon t by Patrolman Blackburn, near Twen- ty-flfth street and Lincoln avenue, and when searched had a gold watch r chain and charm, and about $2 in small change on him. ufi This morning Robort McCann reported re-ported to the police that he had lost or had stolen from him a gold "Ball" , i watch chain and charm yesterday. When the daily reports were received by Officor Guy Nelson about noon, he noticed that a watch answering the ' $ description given by McCann had been pawned by G. F Carter, and re- calling the clreumstance of tho chain having been found on "Kid" Carter, 1 he turned the case over to Detective Robert Burk, wrho located the watch and obtained a confession from the negro, who said he entered McCann's room w hen the latter was asleep, stole the watch, pawned It for $11 and got "gloriously" drunk. He is now to face a third degree robbery charge. oo |