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Show Marcus Loew Sends Great Vaudeville Bill to the Orpheum This Week . ' j j KUTY FRANCIS AND HER WIDOW LEAGUE OF 17 STUNNING SHOW GIRLS ON THE NFW VAUDEVILLE BILL TODAY AND SUNDAY SIX ACTS FOR 10c-2c. Tho Urgent and most oxpcnslve musical mu-sical cciv.ody over shown In the local Qrftfaenia will bead the bill of lU aeti tl BttJaj today fcr three days, with Kitty Francis, the musical COBlftw stir, at the head of iior eottiW of A t-cvontccr. utase be&u'Jaa id be: musl- Jm ei cor.cdy succobs, "Mrs, O'ltalloa The act 1b a big laugh riot, and with tno seventeen girls to embelleh It) mskOB tho bow of Its kind erer coon here. Two of tno boct colored porforaon In the east will maico their first western west-ern frppettt-A'Aoi in Alfred and John Vri;5on, "The n&ndman and Mi Pftad1 offering delineations of colored type 1 1 Odouno, the famous accordeonist, i ! wlil appear for the first time in tbo ! i 1 wost with a roporto'ro of maolcr.1 number that has made an lnstantano-0U8 lnstantano-0U8 bit. .(0.0,1 Morris aad Jessie Deasicy aro a olovor couple offering l a musical and comedy licit "in tho Manicure Shop," The Caltes Broth-1 Broth-1 ors, Lew end Joe, featuring Master Lew Caltes, tho danclug mldnct. will offer a novelty In dancing, Blllv Montroeo and Blossom Sardoll, world's erreatoat cycllstr, will offer bl-oyoio bl-oyoio riding and acrobatics with Bong and dances to show their versatility. Tiioto playa will also be shown. This bill Sflll run Saturday and Sunday. (AdvertleenieQU i Coming tomorrow, new war f a scenes. Mary Pickford and ii j Ann Shaf er in "Ann, the W' Blacksmith," at the I sis. wf& Advertisement. K i h,-. ORPHEUM SUNDAY, NOV, 29TH I OLIVER MOROSCO Presents I THE SUPREME SUCCESS OF SUCCESSES I BY J. HARTLEY MANNERS j In which LaaretU Taylor made a world' record ran of two consecutive years in New York I Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Seat Sale opens Thurschy, Nov. 26th. 1 I I HI Scene from .he well-known comedy "PEG O' MY HEART," which come, to the Orpheum on Sunday, NovUl. |