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Show HARVARD DEFEATS I YALE 3Ji TO O ai Crimson Scores Greatest Tri- 1 umph in Quarter Century I in New Yale Bowl. J MADE 5 TOUCHDOWNS Harvard Defense Remarkable Brickley Kicks Good in Fourth Period. J New Havpn. Conn , Not. 21 Harv- H ard scored her greatest triumph of J more than a quarter of n century over Yale in the new Blue "bowl" to- 4 day Five touchdowus hrought the I point? to 3C to 0 in favor of the 1 frinifnn. The Harvard offcusf! drove J Yale back for many yard:-, while the j ilreadI Yale lateral pnss was unable H to briim a Dlue score. Twice Yale H stood .-.'most under the Harvard poal H rost, but could not produce n senre I Thr strength of the liars ard de- j fense was one of the most remarkable I J shown by n (rimson tenm In many 'years. On of the sensations was 'the appearance of f'aptaii Brickley In the fourth period Brickley figured fig-ured in the scoring bv kicking a goal. The usual demonstrating followed the end of the came and It was singular singu-lar that th three latest football edifices edi-fices of Harvard. Princeton and Yale should have received thr-ir dedication dedica-tion by defeat of thp homo team Han ard v on tho toss and elected to defend the south ,"oal. J Yale gase the Crimsnn the kick-off jand Mahan booted to Legofe, who came back 30 yards ffOta the 7-yard 'mark. Two attempts railed to nin and Legore punted to Mahan on Har- vard's 20-yard b'ne. i u- Harvard .!hack went all the way to Yale's 37-yard 37-yard mark. Knoulos tackling him from the rear Using Brndlee three times and Mi-jhan Mi-jhan onr, the Crimson made a First ;down on thfi LT-yard line IBradlee hit the line for five and Francke jraade six on a fake kick, then re-Ipeated re-Ipeated for Five more, anil Rradlee on ja delayed pass went to the first-yard 'mark Talbott threw a wiim Bhift Ifor a loss but Hardv.icU took a for-"jward for-"jward pass from Mahan and scored a Jrouchdown around Brann. The Crliu json needed eleven rushes to score sfrom the 37-yard line. Hardwlck jinfssed a hard goal. I Score. Harvard 6, Yale 0. Knowles ran the second kick-off back 13 yards from the 16-yttrd line. !. lateral pass lost sevien yards and lAlnsworth was thrown for a loss of e five more. l.eore punted to his '; own 47-yard mark. Harvard made '-' one first down, then vale stiffened - ;1 and Mahan threw a forward pas? on' H jof bounds It was YaU"s ball on Jthelr 30 yard mark. Legore punted over the Harvard goal line Yale lielaimed Mahan touched ball before it . jHcrossed and claimed a safety which H was not allowed. jSt Starting from their 20-yard mark. wB the Harvard backs ripped off gains of fifteen sixteen, fifteen, five and "M eight yards Then a penalty of fif-' B :teen for holding halted them and . Mahan was forced back 20 yards on J an attempted forward pass Mahan Ytl punted and Legore returned It. The i3 ball was Harvard's on their 35-ard . pine when the period ended. I Second Period. ' 'M Yale's left was at once attacked. vat Mahan skirting that f-nd for succes- . ; aj jslve runs of 19 and 22 yards Then $n the went through the center for seven H Watson replaced Logan Bradlpe and I jffl Francke made a first down on the U'Blue nine-yard line. On a dplaed : 11 . pass, Mahan made six ards There jffl was a fumble on the next play, the ball rolling across the line. Francke jf'jBfell on it for a touchdown Hardwlck J jy missed goal. '"'M Score: Harvard 12, Yale 0 :M Yale tried kicking off this time. . Jj 1 Carter replaced Stlllman and Bradle'. . ft j was forced out of bounds at his 22 yard line. Harvard tried rushin', again, but Yale forced a punt, Legor" a j running it back from his own 25 to ' .x H Harvard's 45-yard mark. Alnsworth I N made five and Knowles three yards I il i tnrouPn tnc l'ne- Knowles made the ' 'm i first down He was uspd three t!me3 ' WjB more and with three to go on the .'"flj l fourth down, shot a forward pass to H ,AInsworth on Harvard's 13 yard mark u ' 1 Eight rushes had yielded 30 yards i 9' ! Harvard was penalized and Knowles s -M lwent the six-yard mark Then he ll was RtPPed at center and on the next play fumbled. Coolidge recov 'nHll ered and sprinted the length of the field for the third Harvard score Mj Hardwick kicked this goal. 'ijm Score : Harvard 19 Yale 0. M Walden kicked off and Mahan cam H back 20 yards to his 30-yard mark On the second rush Bradlee weni through center standing up and rar j to Yale s 30-yard mark. Two mor-' J plays gained ten then Harvard was r'-jK penalized 15 for holding Mahan's at teM j tempt at a field goal was blocked by K) Han'ard Fro mtue 40-yard mark Ij Hardwick made seven, then Yale held Igjflfj Mahan kicked short for a field goal H and Legore fumbled on his 10 van t line. Harvard again recovering. Again Yale held and on his third try. this Hi time from the 35-yard mark, Mahan l drop-kicked a goal. I Score: Harvard 22, Yale 0. Wm Walden kicked off and Harvard had j advanced to Its own 43-yard mark, n when the half ended. During the firs? i half, Harvard completely outplayed M Y'ale in every department of the game. J With the exception of a short flash I at the beginning of the second period I Yale never threatened the Crimson while the Cambridge men rolled up H a acore of 22 points, which in hut 30 1 minutes of play equals the largest I previous score ever made by Harvard I against Yale. The Ells also devel- oped a disastrous fumbling streak in I the second period, two fumbles direct-I direct-I ly resulting in touchdowns. Third Period. Walden kicked off to Mahan on the I ten-yard line. Mahan ran back 27 yards. After two short gains Mahan I punted and Legore's return punt was I blocked. Wallace got It at Yale'B 20- yard mark. Y'ale lost five for off side I and Mahan and Francke plowed I through to the five-yard mark H Francke was stopped but Mahan 1 turned the end, going to the line I where he deliberately downed the ball Francke then made the touchdown and Hardwick kicked goal. Score: H. rvard, Yale. 0. Harvard was ien the kick-off aud I Mahan booted far over the K a I line. Wallace foolishly tackled a Yale man ten yards back of the posts and was hurt, Blgelow Liking his place. Yale scrimmaged from tho 20-yard mark and. using a criss-cross and long lateral la-teral and forward passes, carried the ball to Harvard's -12-yard mark. Another forward pass Legore to j Talhott put the bal only 27 yards from the goal Watson then "intercepted "inter-cepted a pass on hi8 30-yard line j stopping a game rally by the Blue Mahan punted and Yale resumed j rushing from her 30-yard mark. A lateral forward pass combination was i grounded and Legore punted On the first rush Mahan went 11 yards and dropped the ball but Coolidge recovered. recov-ered. Mahan nunted again and Har-I vard broke up the lateral forward pass. Legore punted and Mahan was throwing without gain on Harvard's 40 yard. mark. In the next exchange Hardwick was hurt and Coolidge re-1 placed him. Yale, rushing from her 2-4-yard line, with the aid of a for-: ward pasp of 12 yards and a big hole which Wilson found, carried the ball to Harvard's 44-yard line Scort re-' placed Knowles and L Curtis took Parsons' position. On a lateral pass) Legore carried the ball for Yale's big-Best big-Best gain. 29 yards, but failed on an attempt to repeat Yale held the ball j 15 yards from Harvard's goal when the period ended. Fourth Period. Logan, Parsons and Hardwlck Went I bach into the Harvard line when the last quarter started Yale tried des- perately to score. Legore shot a lateral pass to Wilson wlio went to the flye-yaVd mark. Scuvil drove over the line for a first down only nine feet from the goal Twice more he tried tli' trlel, but was stopped Then Yale fumbled and Legore was forced back to the lH-yard mark. It was fourth down and Legore dropped back: as if for a field goal Instead be forward for-ward passed to Brann who was thrown hard on the 13-yard mark where Harvard took the ball on downs, Watson again replaced Ixigun and Withlngton replaced Weston Maliman punted and Yale's next attempt at-tempt resulted in a forward pass going go-ing out of bounds 13 yards from the Harvard goal King made a good run to Harvard's 28-yard line, then gave way to Bradlee. Mahan punted. Mns worth caught and passed to Legore, who ran the kick back to his own . -yard mark Legore shot a forward pass which Mahan Intercepted Hard wick and Bradlee made short gains. Mahan waB thrown back four yrds but regained It by a pretty forward pass of 15 yards to Hardwick. That put the ball on Yale's 31 yard mark. Mahan made 16 more. Brickley Brick-ley went In and dropped hack as if for a drop kick It was a fake and Mahan went to the five-yard mark Bradlee gained four yards and Mahan two feet. With twelve inches to go Han ard was penalized 15 y ards for holding Again Brickley dropped back hut It was a forward pass, Mahan to Coolldee. who went 10 yards Watson then threw another forward pass to Hardwick for a touchdown. Bricklev kicked goal. Score Harvard. ;J; Yale, 0. In all these play3 Brickley stayed far back of the line and Harvaru used iily ten men to score. Bricklev went out. wlidh cheered by Harvard rooters root-ers and M( Kinlock took the vacant place Mahan kicked off and Yale used every lateria and forward pass in its I reportolre. The net adwance was 23 'yards, then Waite, substituting for Legore, Le-gore, punted to Harvard's 20-ynrd line. On the second play Mahan ";ot loose land ran lo Yale's ' Ifi-vard line. Mc-Klnlock Mc-Klnlock failed to gain at center as the - -.-1 1 r j endi il The line up tor the big game was as follows . Yale. Harvard. Brann le J. T Coolidge Talt,ott it Parsons S2Pry 'S Weston white c Wallace Waldcn rg Pennock Betts rt. Trumbull StUlman re Hardwick N ilson Qb Logan Alnsworth lh Mahan Knowles rh Bradlee L.eSore fb Francke Referee N. A. Tufts, Brown. Umpire Um-pire D L Fultz, Brown Field judge C A. Williams, Pennsvlvania Head linesman F W. Murphy, Brown Time Four 15-minute periods |