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Show THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION AT M0A3 Moab, Utah. Oct 11. At the Republican Re-publican county convention held hen today for the nomination of county officers for Grand county, there were but two tests to enliven the rnont ony of nominations by acrlamat'on. These were for the places of thf two-year two-year and four-year term commUslon-ershlps. commUslon-ershlps. In their platform the Republicans Repub-licans favored local option and tbej pledged their nominee for reprcson'a-tlve reprcson'a-tlve that, if elected, he would wor'f for an appropriation from the stue for a 'bridge acrofiB the Grand river at Moab. The following ticket wrs named; For four-year term commissioner. commis-sioner. V. P. Martin, Moab; for two-year two-year term commissioner, J. H. Shafer, Moab; for county nttorney, F. B. Him-ninnd, Him-ninnd, Jr., Moab; for treasurer, F. A. Manvllle, Moab; for assessor, Arthur A. aylor, Moab; for county cWk and recorder. Mrs. Stella Newell Taylor, Moab; for surveyor, George W. Du-rant, Du-rant, Elgin; for superintendent of sch'Vils, c. A. Johnson, Moab; for sheriff, William J. Bliss, Moab. |