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Show NATIONAL GOLD OUTPUT STARTLING nrlnpinj; with him numerous beautiful beau-tiful gold-silver namp1e9 taken from the Oo-foot level of the now famous mine at National. In northern Nevada, John E. Pelton, president of the National Na-tional Mining company, Is In the city on his way to visit his family In Colorado. Scrap of these samples show valuta from $30,000 to a quarter quar-ter of a million dollars a ton. They wore taken troin the lowest workings on the vein, whre the rich streaks Fhow widths of a lead pencil up to nine Inches. The vein at tho 600 foot level Ig three and a half feet wide. The pure Btreak runs Into the tens of thousand a; the second grade from $500 to $5,000. and the balance, of the vein from $10 to $G0 a ton. says Mr. Pelton, On the 125 level there were flv distinct oro shoots discovered, but on th 600 they had all converged Into one phenomenally rich shoot. No. 4, a 000-foot tunnel, gave that depth A lower tunnel, called No. C, being run In 1.300 feet, which will givr r vertical depth of all feet on the vein. The vein Is a white quartz talc, and the rich gold ore la clinging to the footwall. Heavily Armed Guards. Mr. Pelton says that during the last seven montha the mine ha averaged a monthly production of $2r-0,000 The cost .f this was but 10 per cent, or $25,000 a month He df-clared that the expense of protecting th mine and the oren from robbers costs more than breaking and milling tho ore. Concerning thl.s feature the National Miner nays: President Pelton Is not overlooking any details In the matter of protecting the mill against the possibility pos-sibility of rubber'. As a precautionary precaution-ary measure, ho has Just had n runway run-way over the roof and a watch tower over the bins constructed. At all hours of the day und night a guard, ; heavily armed, la Htatloned In the ; watch tower, which is lined with ' sheets of steel, making It bullet proof, ; and Is about seven feet in height. with frequent apertures to permit of the use of rifles. During the hours of the night another guard pacoa back and forth along the runway over the roof. In addition to tho tower and runway guards, a body of heavily armed trusted employes are on duty In the interior of the mill night and day. President Pelton believes in "locking the barn before the horse is gono." A 30-ton stamp mill has been In operation op-eration a few weeks. It has been found that In every 100 tons of the rock treated, one ton of float sulphide Is lost. This Is worth $5,0011, and Mr. Pelton will consi-lt with lending Colorado Colo-rado metallurgists as how best to save this leak. |