Show I I KAYSYILLE RINKS I John Knighting and E T Wood Arrested for Conspiracy I Davis Stake Quarterly Conference Columbian S Club Meetlnsr Notes on the Side S I KATSVILLE Dec SHeber J Sheffield has very nearly completed his magnificent business block on Main street and last Wednesday evening he Invited his friends I and customers to participatn in a dance in the building Those who accepted the invitation in-vitation had a pleasant time Mr Sheffields building is a two story brick structure and when completed it will be the finest business building In town It will cost nearly 7OOO He expects ex-pects to open business In his now quarters in a few weeks BIRThDAy PARTY F B Williams was given a surprise party on his twentyfirst birthday last Tuesday evening and a large number of friends wore present to congratulate him upon having attained his majority Fred will voto the Democratic ticket COLUMBIAN CLUB MEETING The Ladies Columbian club will hold a meeting on Wednesday evening next to which all are invited both ladies and gentlemen gen-tlemen A programme will be rendered that will make the meeting interesting to nil Mrs Agnes Olson Thomas of Salt Lake has kindly consented to bo present to render some vocal selections coNrrnonxcs The Davis stake quarterly conference commenced here today The congregation was addressed by Richard Duerden of Bountiful Bishop Barton of Kaysville and N T Porter of Centerville this morning and by J 1 R Barnes J W Hess and President Pres-ident Smith this afternoon Meetings will be held tomorrow morning and afternoon AN IMPOSTANT ARREST John Knighting formerly a resident of Bountiful nut who of late years has been living on the range about eight miles from here WaS arrested on Thursday evening charged with conspiracy and it is probable that at least one other wall known citizen of the county is implicated in the affair that caused the arrest It seems that there have been several fires in Bountiful during the last few mouths and they were generally believed to be of incendiary origin The handwriting hand-writing In a threatening letter received by one of tho parties who suffered from the fires caused Knighting to bo suspected of being a party to the crime and while It is thought that ho may not have done the tiring he knows who did R T Wood was also arrested on the same charge NOTES ON THE SIDES SIDE-S M Weasels goes to Salt Lake tonight to accept a position In W H Wilkinsons crockery and glassware store W S Barnes left here yesterday morning morn-ing on a mission to Great Britain Burns and Olsen the two toughs arrested ar-rested by Officer Galley on Monday evenIng even-Ing as detailed in THE HERALD were identified iden-tified by some parties from Logan as the men wanted there for burglarizing a jewelry jew-elry store They will be taken to Logan on Wednesday A 5yearold child of Mrs Stuart died at W R Jamisons last evening of pneumonia pneu-monia and the funeral was held this afternoon after-noon Mrs Stuart arrived from Ireland a tew days ago She has the sympathy of the community |