Show 1 CHAGRIN IN SANPETE I The West Side Residents Without Rail Fa I CJIlUcs 1 A HERALD correspondent thus bemoans ii the closing of the Sanpete railway This 5 day the abovo named road closes its longS long-S delayed and unsatisfactory programme of > delays extensions blocks In the way etc and the English company has the elephant to feed minus the feed The west side of < the Tallow will be minus railway J i ilities and our postal arrangements much embarrassed Pfl em-barrassed It may be possible your subscribers f j sub-scribers In Madison Wales Fountain c Green and Chester may have to look to the iI matt service from Mt Pleasant to Moroni ei via the Rio Grande Western railway This S road now has the undisputed sway in this r county except the now revived talk of the b abandonment of the Soldier Summit part 1 of their road thus compelling them to i make their route from SaUna to Ogden diverge tS di-verge at Ephriam pass Chester Moroni IF Wales and Fountain Green to Nephlthence to Ogden It is rumored the bays of the Sanpeto Valley railway and their many friends in 5 Moroni will celebrate tho closing of the railway and their departure to railway pastures pas-tures new will hold a high carnival of dance music least and hilarity in the MoS > > Mo-S roni opera house next Wednesday evening r wnloh witnesses the housing of the engines and ihi gathered stock all to be placed under un-der the watch and care of the station agent Moroni f i S The ascihatmg course pursued for some years bj the English company has pro duced this disastrous result The departure > > depart-ure of the gentlemanly superintendent Mr Kerr leavQs a decided vacuum in Moroni society circle tI and it 13 to be hoped in the Warm climate of South America he may remember re-member the warm attachments he has created cre-ated In Moron Spealclng of Moroni she is putting on some airs of needed improvements in her streets giving case and facilities to pedestrians pedes-trians and vehicles In my travels through this fifth county 1 find many evidences of taste and improvement improve-ment conspicuous the nice ornamental fence around the Spring City cemetery It reflects tho care the good citizens have for their dead |