Show HOLDING THE IOET The Gubernatorial Difficulty in I Wyoming I Governor Osborne In Possession and Will Ilemain A Proclamation from Barliniir I CUETENXB Wy Deo 3Special I The struggle for the gubernatorial mastery still waxes warm while indications aro not wanting of a Republican desire to quit I the field of battle though a brave front is I still kept up Last night Governor Os borne slept in tho governors office having for his room mate Barbours secretary whom Osborne locked up while asieep during the night At noon today Osborne opened the door lof his office and admitted a number of I friends He was supposed to be locked securely in and with no means of egress I but the window After consultation ho appointed I ap-pointed a private secretary whom he loft in the office and went down town I Barbour issued a proclamation today in oppoition to Osbornes of yesterday and claiming the supreme authority in the state Osborne will issue a second proclamation pro-clamation in the morning explaining his I position end reiterating his request to the i people of the state to uphold him I |