Show HAPPENINGS HEREABOUTS J Gleaned by Hustling Herald Reporters from 3 Productive Fields t OUR home made suits Are the talk or the town t John C Cutter Bro 35 Main street f ROASTED chestnuts GLORIOUS moonlight nights 4j SCENTED hair Is not boa ton r COLIMA Aromatic and delicious i l7 CHESTKUTS are becoming plentiful I SEE Ad ofH K Thomas page 11 WINTER whiskers are being sprouted I PBOPEB mincemeat keeps all winter THE cougherop man has broken loose UBE Formula the Utah baking powder A nor iron takes the bag out of trousers VVmrntsois coal office with GodbePitts I THE red < < neck tie seems to hare flickered out i ILtJnDECES coal office 49 E First South BCCKTTHEAT cakes are almost ripe enough to pick COU2IA coffee is unequaled for purity and flavor THE territorial supreme court meets on Tan 9 THE moustache cup idea has been applied to soup spoon THE printed visiting card violates the ethics y or good taste A TOn dentist iroars a human tooih mounted n a scarf pin THE Main Street how windows aro cloning their holiday attire OKAMGES arescarce as hens teeth and lem oiib green as yokels 4 NUMEROUS flocks ot wild geese are now noticed no-ticed moving southward COMMA coffee I nectar ol the Gods atBarlow Thompson Grocery company THE exquisite woman will not keep black gloves in the same box with others Jsrm in ito Home Fire or Utah H J II IllntCo agents 60 Main street A COLORED man downtown has named his baby Princeton becausa it Is a black and yellow t one oneJAMES J LARSON Mid feign Sophia Hagstrom were united in marriage by Justice Gee yesterday yester-day NOBODY but a lightning change artist can regulate his clothing to suit the weather nowadays i nowa-days f THE use of rimless eyeglasses is increasing to a wondrous extent among shopgirls and waitresses TAE Press club will meet this afternoon in its new quarters Rooms 4 and 5 I Auerbaeh block Main street THOSE new mantels just received by the V Utah Stove and Hardware company are the latest in Etj le and finish II MME LAMBS entire stock of French patterns and trimmed hats will be told regardless of cost this week only 55 Main street A CHRISTMAS winner A ease of staple and fancy candles at an extremely low figure James G McDonald Canuy company B H SCHETTLEH No 60 Main street buys and sells foreign and domestic exchange Interest I In-terest paid on deposits Notarial work PROFESSOR ATTGSBEHG delivered his Chalk Talk lecture at the University club rooms last evening About fifty members were present THE IIorgan hotel is nearly always full because be-cause it has every convenience is new modern and has alert obliging service Rates 2 to 250 S ALL that Is mortal of BarryRice will bo consigned con-signed to mother earth today The funeral I trill be held at the Jewish temple at 133 p m Friends are invited IT takes the instinct of the moth to discover that the most edible part of a winter overcoat me tenderloin EO to speakis the part that > 1 is most conspicuous FRED AUGUST tho young man with the sui cldal mania has cover been an inmate of the Keeley institute as erroneously intimated in yesterdays HERALD Miss GRACE L WILLIAMS has issued invitations invita-tions to a musical hour to be given by herself and pupils on Tuesday evening Deo 6 at 8 oclock at her studio room 410 Constitution r block t THE soot in tho smokestack of the ilcCornlck block caught fire last evening and the great mass of name and sparks that shot above thc building led many to believe a great conflagration conflagra-tion was In progress YHEN in the course of human events it becomes be-comes necessary for you to paint your house be sure to specify Queen Bee paints Thy t are prettiest cheapest and best For sale only by G F Culmer Bros S ZIOKB Savings Bank and Trust company pays 5 per cent Interest compounded quarterly L on any deposit from 81 up AVilford Woodruff president George Q Cannon vicepresident Capital S200000 < surplus 300000 THE territorial secretary has issued certificates certifi-cates of election to the 2000 successful candidates candi-dates throughout the territory and notified all tied contestants to appear before him at 10 oclock on the 10th inst and draw lot 1 MRS CLARK whose lois by theft of a purse containing papers to the value of 81000 was announced an-nounced exclusively In THE HERALD has found the purse in the back yard All the checks and drafts were recovered so the loss was but 523 in cash THE Morgan hotel furniture is still under attachment at-tachment and Deputy Marshal Sprenger is in e charge The hotel will not be closed and both Mr Morgan and Mr Clark expect to effect a settlement tomorrow Mr Morgans total claim is 3300 MAJOR ERB formerly proprietor of the Walker House is meeting with success in his management of the Mercer ot Omaha He is flooding the country with very unique postal card advertisements hundreds of which have been received in Salt Lake OBSERVER SALISBURYS report of yesterdays yester-days temperature is as follows 6 a mSalt Lake 44 Baker City Cheyenne 40 Helena 1 34 SpmSalt Lake 46 Blngham 38 Og i den Mi Logan 28 Provo Si Stockton 45 Wianernucca 30 Idaho Falls 32 MARRIAGE licenses were Issued to the fallowing i fallow-ing parties yesterday James Kimono and Annie M Wegjeiand of Mill Creek Emil G Lurenz ol Salt Lake and Christina E Hay of Navarre 0 James Larson and Reign Sophie Hagstrom of Salt Lake James W Black of Pleasant b Grove and irancis DDDcombo of Salt Lake Albert B Pitts and Louise Do Gray ot Salt Lake MR ROBERT J JESSCP who recently severed his connection with the Tribune received avery i a-very handsome testimonial evening at the bands of the members of the Unu ersity club I of which he is a member In the shape or a purse containing S170 The presentation was made by SurveyorGenerai Bcggntt and the recipient re-cipient was entirely overcome by the unexpected unex-pected expression of esteem He leaves for Denver tomorrow THE Uniform Rank of the Knights of Pythias order have decided to give a grand military ball ia about two weeks Sir Knight Captain W W Hall Sir Knight Llrutenant A D Tobin Sir I Knight John P Meakia and Sir Knight T D Crosby have been appointed a committee on arrangements ar-rangements All military organizations will be i invited and no pains will be spared to make tho ball one of the greatest events of the season |