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Show Flashes from" 1 the wires. ihru unruuunj ujxrunnjvkinrijjsv Thomas Watterman Wood, the artist, and one of the founders and a former president of the National Academy of Design, De-sign, U dead, aged 80. Hallet Kllbourne, formerly chief clerk of the Interior department, and one of the most widely known citizens of Washington, Wash-ington, died yesterday of paralysis, aged 73. It was stated on' Wall street yesterday that J. P. Morgan would sail for Europe on Wednesday of next week. William Miller Collier of New York has been detailed as solicitor of the Department Depart-ment of Commerce and Labor. Prof. Lazarus of Berlin university died yesterday at Orin in the Tyrol. He was a celebrated specialist in tho comparative pschyological characteristics of the race. Rlbbl Gustav Gottheil is dying at his home In New York. Complications have set in which, owing to the rabbi's advanced ad-vanced age and long illness, have caused a decided change for the worse. A fire swept the east side of West End, the summer resort on Lake Ponchartraln. Louisiana. The fire department found difficulty in reaching the scene, and the bucket brigades were powerless to stay the flames. Loss, $75.VK'. Topeka, Kan., Darnc deposits now amount to $3.iW,C00 more than any previous pre-vious high water mark, according to the quarterly statement Issued by Bank Commissioner Com-missioner Albaugh today. The deposits are now more than $90.0W).000, over $tM for every man, woman and child in the State. Attorney-General Crow of Missouri said yesterday that If there were any defects de-fects in the requisition papers Issued to bring In D. J. Kelly, wanted In connection with charges of legislative boodllng. from New York to Missouri, they would bo rmedled at once. Mrs. C. W. Brownell. wife of a Western mine owner, was blown from her home in Chicago into the yard by an explosion of gas. Burglars had ransacked the place, and upon leaving had turned on the gas. Mrs. Brownell, upon entering, lit a match and the explosion followed. The Cook county election commissioners and the chief clerk, having refused to pa" fines of $100 for contempt In opening the ballots Id the Lorimer-Durburrow co tested election case, were yesterday ar rested. Sheriff Barret, with the prisoners, prison-ers, immediately started for Springfield, where writs of habeas corpus will be aps plied for before the Supreme court. |