Show PLANS Ti TO UNVEIL MARKER ARRANGED The monument and marker at Header Henefer er at the point where Brigham Young and the pioneers turned toward oward Salt SaIt Lake valley from the Weber country will be unveiled Saturday Sat Sat- morning by Mrs Jane B B. B Judd Judd a pioneer who crossed the plains in inie inthe inthe the ie early John D. D Giles executive tive ve secretary announced Thursday Gc George rge Albert Smith president of ofie the ie Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Land Land- marks narks association which is sponsorIng sponsor sponsor- ing ng the movement will be master of ceremonies Speakers will be beV W. W 0 O. O Stephens president of the Summit L. L D. D S. S stake M. M L H. H Randall president dent ent of the Morgan stake Henry H H. Blood lood chairman of the state road commission Sion Andrew Jenson assistant assistant assist- assist ant nt L. L D. D S. S church historian The invocation will be given by A. A H. H Woodruff and the benediction by byrant Grant rant Y Bullock a pioneer of Summit Summit Sum Sum- mit Music will be in charge of f R. R S. S Hillier The Henefer high school chool band will give selections The party from Salt Lake will leave I Saturday at 9 a. a m. m and will go by auto I caravan iravan The group will arrive in Henefer enefer at 11 a. a m. m |